Part 27: Another Hot Guys?

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Casey ignoring her parents and also her brothers. All of them looking at her once she crossed in front of them. She went straight out from the house. Miranda and the girls have waited for her.

Casey look mad, like she is going to mad at them for leaving her in trouble last night.

"Cas, we're sorry." Miranda said once Casey got into the car.

"All of us got some issues at home, out of a sudden." Lucy said. She sounded fake as she is bad in acting. Casey just rolled her eyes. She do not want to say anything. She is too tired to get into another fight with anyone else. She has lost Milly and yesterday she got into a big fight with her families.

Miranda drives the car to school. All of them singing to the song played on the disc player. They do not like listening to the radio so they make their own playlist. Casey used to sing with them but not today. Her heart still feel heavy after what happened.

Miranda and the girls have told Casey that they could not join her during lunch. They have cheerleader practice. They asked Casey to join them but Casey do not like the girly stuff so cheerleader is not her thing. She likes football more and even good than her brothers which Tristan more into basketball and Dylan into tennis.

Casey always has a chance to be a leader of the cheerleader squad as she knows a lot in martial arts, she never wanted people to know that she is good in doing those movements.

So Casey will have her lunch alone today. But Casey never mind about it as she used to it even when she had Milly. Milly rarely with her during lunch. She is sometimes busy flirting with some boys at the other tables.

Today Casey is still wearing her girly outfit that she bought the other day. She is wearing a light pink knit sweatshirt and a skinny jeans with brown boots. She looks simple but nobody in the school are more beautiful than her after she has transformed. Her hair is not tight in a ponytail so she just let her long hair 'free fall'.

During lunch, she is eating alone like she is expected. She wanted to ask Milly to join her but seeing Milly running away from her, she just cancel the intention.

"Hey. Is these seats taken?" Casey startled when some boys are standing in front of her, asking if the seats are taken. They are hot.

"No." Casey answered. Then the boys sit on the seats. She is the only girl there.

Casey noticed that all of the boys are Tristan's friends. They are Tristan's basketball team members and they used to come to all Tristan's birthday parties. Like the other day's party.

"You're Collins, right? Dylan and Tristan's sister?" One of the boy asked. He might be the hottest boy than his other friends. She remember that this boy is her brother's co-captain, Luke. He is just as good looking as Tristan but only his hair is in different color. He has a dark brown wavy hair and his eyes are dark blue. He is so handsome.

Casey could only nodded. Her lips is numb when Luke asked and looked directly in her eyes. He smiles. His smile is so cute.

"I already know it once you got into this high school. Because you are just as good looking as both of your brothers." He added. How could he say that in a cute way even though he is chewing his food? His other friends are eating their lunch too but they were only supported whatever he said.

"You seems cool. Usually girls talk too much when they are with us which is super annoying. We should hang out." The other boy said, finally one of them speak out. But still, the rest that kept silent only supported whoever are talking.

Casey just nodded, still cannot believe that she is surrounded by hot guys. Like she could not believe that she is famous now.

"Cool. See you soon, Casey." Luke said it once he finished his lunch. Then he left her with her untouched foods. The other guys followed him at the back.

Casey's eyes still looking at them, could not take them away from not looking. Tristan rarely hang out with his boys from the team. He usually hang out with his friends that he made since the first day of his high school. They are the closest friends of him and his team are more likely his family.

From across the cafeteria, Milly is looking at Casey. She was looking at Casey the whole time. She is jealous when Casey surrounded by hot guys. She think she should be there.

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