Part 1: Another Normal Day

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The books quickly inserted into the bag. Casey put on the bag on her shoulder and look herself into a mirror. Big round glass and medium size sweatshirt. The shirt and the long skirt quite big for her size but she walked confidently out of the room, feeling beautiful. She walks across her brother's room, he is still sleeping.

"Tris, wake up!" She pulled off his brother's blanket and hit him with his pillow. He is not wearing his shirt, just a boxer. His muscular arms and abs obviously shown.

Tristan opened his eyes slightly and he gives her a morning smile. "It's okay if I am late. Everybody loves me." Then he went back sleeping, pulling back the blanket. Casey rolled her eyes and heading downstairs.

Her mom gives her a smile while her dad having his breakfast, not noticing her arrival. Mr. Collins busy feeding his mouth with a pie while scrolling down his phone.

"Looks like you are going to school alone again, honey." Mrs. Collins said to Casey while busy cleaning up the kitchen.

Casey just nodded and straight away opened the door. Mrs. Collins walks to her, "I am sorry, honey. I can't send you to school again today. Tris should be up now..." Mrs. Collins quickly running to the stairs to wake Tristan up.

"Mom, no! I can go by myself." Casey yelled as her mom walked away. She then walked out from the front lawn as quickly as she could. A straight A's student like her should not be late. She look at her watch time to time. She should go to school with his brother in a car but lately she walks to the school alone as his brother always waking up late. Her brother had marathon parties with his friends since last week and he sleeps late on every night.

Milly, her only best friend has waited for her in the front door of the school. She wears short skirt with a cute sweater and also a high heels. She looks just like another hot students, which obviously opposite to Casey. But none of those hot students used to be Milly's friends. Although she has a good fashion sense, but she has no common sense. She is known as the dumbest girl in school, academically and non-academically. She may be dumb but she is super rich. Just as rich as Casey. The whole school know she is rich, but they do not know about Casey. Even, nobody cares about her existence. Aside from Milly's richness, everybody knows Tristan is rich too. They just do not know that Casey and Tristan are related. Only Milly knows.

"Walked to school alone again?" Milly asked. Both of them walking down in the hallway and head to their lockers. Casey is busy getting some books from her locker.

"Looks like it." Casey answered without even looking at Milly. She then pulled out the rubber hair from the locker and tie her long hair in ponytail.

Milly leaned her back at the locker doors. "You really should find a boyfriend." She said it with confidence. She put her fingers on her chin, trying to be a love expert giving some love advice.

Casey responded by raising her eyebrows. She walked away without even looking at her.

"Casey, wait!" Milly tried to catch up, she walks sloppily in her high heels.

"Do not forget your books again." Casey said while continues her walking, heading to class. She still has not looking at Milly, never to anyone in the school. 

"Oh yeah." Milly returned to her locker.

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