Welcome Home

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Cheryl's pov

Toni and I waited in the lobby as Jason got some of his stuff together. I was so happy that Jason was actually going to come home with us that

"Cheryl are you okay?" Toni asked.

"I will be." I squeezed Toni's hand. "As long as I have my wonderful fiancee who always has my back."

Jason finally appeared with a black backpack and quickly ran over to Toni and I.

"I just need to check out and then we can go." He explained as we followed him over to the reception desk that Brooke was still standing at.

"Hi Brooke." Jason smiled.

"Jason where are you off to for the day?" Brooke asked him.

"I am actually checking out." Jason replied.

"Oh." Brooke looked disappointed and something felt off about her reaction but I kept my mouth shut for the first time in my life. "You cant." She urged.

"He sure as hell can you bimbo." I snapped.

"Cheryl!" Jason put his arm in front of me. "What do you mean I can't?"

"Your father he told us if you tried to check out we had to contact him or one of his associates and stop you." She confessed.

"What if I didnt check out then? I'll just leave and you dont need to tell him." Jason suggested and Brooke nodded.

"It was lovely meeting you Jason." She smiled as she wandered away from the reception desk.

"Lets get out of here." Toni slipped her fingers through mine and lead Jason and I too my car.

After driving for nearly six hours as fast as possible could we had to make a stop for Jason to use the bathroom. I pulled into the first place I could find.

Toni sat down at a booth while we waiting on Jason in the bathroom and I went over to get a glass of water. I watched as a  young waitress went  over to Toni at the table holding a pen and notepad.

"Hi I'm Makayla." The strange girl smiled at Toni as I watched from across the room. "I love your hair."

I took a deep breathe and stormed over to the booth Toni sat in.

"Hi I'm her fiancee you can leave." I smiled at her.

The waitress looked at me shooked before she tried to speak again.

"I just-"

I put my hand up infront of her face.

"You just need to leave now before I ruin your life you brainless robot."

The waitress walked away as fast as she could not making eye contact with either me or Toni.

"Cheryl why did you do that?" Toni asked confused.

"I wont have anyone trying to flirt with my fiancee."

Toni smiled at me. "You are so hot right now." She gave me a small kiss just as Jason appeared from the bathroom.

"Are we getting something to eat?" He asked.

"I placed an order to take away." I answered.

Jason sat in the booth across from Toni and I.

"So.... you are getting married?" Jason queried.

"Yes we are." I took Toni's hand on the table.

"You've come a long way since who you were when I left Cheryl." Jason smiled. "I'm proud of you."

"ORDER FOR BLOSSOM" A voice called.

We all got out of the booth and I picked up our food as we left. Toni drove the car so that I could eat and then we swapped over. I loved my brother however I wasn't sure how good a driver he still was so I didn't want to chance him driving.

We arrived back in Riverdale in less time than it took for us to get to Greenvale. I felt relieved as soon as I seen the Welcome to Riverdale sign, but I knew what was waiting for me on the other side of this sign. I sped round the street leading to thistlehouse not wanting anyone to see us just yet.

"Welcome home brother." I smiled as we pulled into thistlehouse.

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