Tonights Plans

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Cheryl pov

I didn't know what to think. Was it true? Could that man be my father? Who was hanging in our barn then? Nana Rose thought it was Claudius. The only explanation I could think was that it was my uncle Claudius that was hung in the barn by my father so that he could get away with JJ's murder. I knew I couldn't trust that they didn't set that all up just to mess with me after all my mother is that twisted and I don't think she would be stupid enough to say it so loudly knowing we were in hearing distance.  My mind was going round in circles. Toni was sitting beside me in silence. I don't think she knew what to say. There's nothing she could say that would make this any less confusing. I didn't know what to do but I did know that it didn't change a thing. Even if this was all a scheme and my dad was alive it isn't like they could tell anyone they would need to keep up the act or he would be the first person in Veronica's dads's prison. I jumped slightly as I felt something touch my hand. It was Toni. She gave me a reassuring smile.

"Why don't we watch a movie tonight? Keep your mind distracted." She suggested.

I nodded in agreement. I couldn't understand why she cared so much.  I mean I wasn't exactly the most welcoming person when we first met or the few times after that. 

"Toni would you maybe stay a little longer than just tonight?" I asked, I wasn't sure what I was thinking but I knew that I wanted her to be here with me.

"Of course." She squeezed my hand. "I'll need to go back the trailer park to pick some of my stuff up will you be okay here yourself?"

"It will give me time to set up our movie night. I will pick the movies for us."

Toni looked amused.

"Well I'll be back soon. If you want I could take you to the hospital to see your Nana Rose after I get back?" She asked.

"Yes we can go see her and find out what is happening." I smiled.

"Well I'll go now so we don't go to the hospital too late." Toni hugged me before she got up and left. 

I relaxed back down in to the couch. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders for the first time in a long time I felt light. I couldn't get Toni out of my head and then I remembered. I KISSED HER!

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