The Last Word

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Cheryl pov

I found it so easy to speak to Toni I didn't have to hide anything from her or put my usual walls up. She made me smile without even trying. She also made me blush and no one else could do that to me but I done my best to hide that. She finished off her chocolate milkshake and instantly took my hand as she did. Butterflies took over my tummy and I could feel the blood filling in my cheeks.

"We should go." I jumped out of the booth. "I think that we have given my disgusting mother enough time don't you think?"

Toni nodded. I could see that she would have preferred that I hadn't moved.

Toni pov

When we pulled up outside thistlehouse I got myself ready to wait outside and wait on Cheryl but instead she took my hand after she climbed off the motorbike and pulled me gently signalling for me to come with her. I climbed off the bike and followed behind her. She opened the doors that had only entered a few times. There were suitcases in front of us as soon as we entered the house.

"Mummy! I'm home and you shouldnt be." Cheryl shouted.

"Cheryl you are making a mistake." Mrs Blossom appeared out of nowhere and looked straight and mine and Cheryl's hands. "And what is she doing here?" She looked me up and down.

"Toni is my guest and she's welcome here unlike you and.."

"Me." Claudius walked in interrupting Cheryl. "Do not speak to your mother like this. It's bad enough you threatening her."

"Hold up Mr." I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

Mrs Blossom and Claudius both looked at me.

"You have just jumped on the scene you don't know Cheryl or who she is or what she's been through you know what Freddie Kruger here has told you. Now why dont you go back to where you came from."

"She's the reason you are doing all of this isn't she." Mrs Blossom accused.

Before I even opened my mouth Cheryl jumped in.

"You are the reason I am doing this! You never loved me. You always treated me like I was nothing and for a long time I believed I was lifeless  and worthless but not anymore. Leave now or you won't get the chance to before I let everyone know who you really are." Cheryl stormed away and I followed behind her.

She stopped in the dinning room and turned to me. Before I could even react her lips were attached to mine and her fingers entangled in my hair.

"Penelope we need to tell her who I am."

Cheryl moved away from me slowly hearing what I heard. We stood quietly inches apart.

"Clifford no! It will just make everything worse."

I looked at Cheryl who was frozen. I sat her down on the nearest chair I could find and went back to where we had left her mother and uncle or whoever he is.

"You need to leave now!" I shouted.

"This isn't your house and you can't tell us to leave." Mrs Blossom snapped back.

"Cheryl already told you to leave so go now or I'll get the serpents to help you leave." I threatened.

"Come on Penelope we are done here." Claudius/Clifford picked up most of the suitcases and Mrs Blossom carried the only one that was left.

Mrs Blossom looked me up and down before following out of the house.

"She isn't worth loving and you're
not worth my time." Mrs Blossom smirked.

"She's the only person worth loving
in your family."

"So its love is it." She laughed mockingly and I slammed the door
in her face and ran back through to Cheryl.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Tee tee what is going on in this messed up world?" A single tear escaped from Cheryl's eye.

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