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Toni's pov 

I held on to Cheryl as tightly as I could while she lay in my arms bleeding out. Everyone was running around except the serpents who were standing around us both. I began to cry hysterically as I tried to stop the bleeding. I looked up and seen one of the ghoulies standing behind Jughead. I looked down and seen the knife in his hand. 

"FP take Cheryl get her into her car I will get you there." I didn't take my eyes off of the ghoulie who hadn't yet noticed that I noticed him.

FP took Cheryl out of my arms and lifted her from the ground. Cheryl put her hand out for me.

"I will be two seconds I promise you are going to be okay. I love you so much." I wiped my eyes with my sleeve as I stood up.

I pushed past Jughead and ran straight at the ghoulie who turned and seen me too late. I slapped the knife out of his hand and punched him so hard it knocked him back a few steps. I stepped forward punching into him. I could hear footsteps behind me as I knocked him to the ground. I stood over him kicking him as hard as I possibly could.

"She has done nothing to you! She is innocent! You are going to pay for this!" I screamed as I kicked him repeatedly.

He lay on the ground protecting his head. Every time my foot hit him I could see Cheryl's perfect face drained of blood and scared. I would never forget the look on her face. I felt someones arms pulling me back.

"Toni go to Cheryl." I heard Sweetpea in my ear. "We will deal with this." He spun around taking me with him pointing me in the direction of Cheryl's car. 

I watched FP placing Cheryl into the car. I ran over to the car. My legs were so numb that I couldn't even feel them moving, I only knew I was moving because I could see Cheryl's weak lifeless body lying in the back seat. As I was running I could hear footsteps running behind me. I turned quickly and seen Betty coming behind me. She put her hand out for me and pulled me towards Cheryl's car.

"She's going to be okay." She said as we ran.

When we reached the car Fp climbed into the front and started the car up. Betty helped me into the back seat and I rested Cheryl's head on my lap. She looked up at me weakly as FP sped along the road. She looked so scared and it made me want to go back and pick up that knife I shove it into that ghoulies chest over and over again because that exactly what it felt like he had done to me. 

"Toni." Cheryl barely got my name out.

"Don't speak keep your energy princess." I stroked her cheek. "I love you so much so you just keep holding on okay." I could feel tears building up on my eyes and tried my best to hold them back, I didn't want to scared Cheryl anymore than she already was. 

"I'm tired." Cheryl whispered, she began to close her eyes.

"NO! Don't you close your eyes okay! You keep them open you stay with me." 

Cheryl looked up at me struggling to keep her eyes open.

"We're going to get married so you can't leave me. We have both lost too much to lose each other." I cried.

"I love you." She whispered.

The car stopped and I looked up to see the hospital sign at my window. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Cheryl we are here you're going to be okay." I looked down at Cheryl who's eyes were now closed. "CHERYL! CHERYL! OPEN YOUR EYES!" I shouted.

FP opened my door and lifted Cheryl out of the car. He ran towards the hospital entrance while I ran behind him with Betty's arm around me. My legs felt weak as I made it through the door as I fell to the ground in a flood of tears. Betty knelt down with me.

"Toni she's going to be okay. She needs you in there. She needs you to be strong because she is always strong and she's going nowhere."

I felt another set of arms around me and turned to see Sweetpea. 

"Come on Tee." He pulled me up from the ground.

Betty led me along with Sweetpea further into the hospital. I was blinded by the tears that had taken over my sight. I could see the outline of FP standing inn front of me.

"Where is she?" Betty asked still holding me up.

"They have taken her into surgery. They had to perform cpr she had no pulse when we got here." He explained.

My whole body began to shake as I listened to FP. Sweetpea led me over and sat me down on one of the seats as Betty and FP began to talk.

"Cheryl's going to be okay Toni. She's strong even I know that." Sweetpea tried to comfort me.

I kept replying it over and over again in my head. How did I not see him? How could today have gotten so bad so fast? Why her? She isn't even a serpent. There were so many serpents there why go after the one person who isn't a serpent. 

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