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Toni's pov

After last nights game neither of us had much sleep. I held Cheryl as tightly as I could. She look terrified standing on top of that chair in the school I couldnt get the image of her face out of my mind.

Today was the day that Cheryl would receive her inheritance from her father. She had been up since 6am pacing and waking me up. I didn't understand why she was so nervous she would be receiving a lot of money since Jason wasn't here to get half.

"Cheryl will you sit for a minute."

Cheryl finally stopped pacing and sat down on the side of my bed. "Whats up Teetee?" She asked.

"Nothing I was just thinking that I have work today so I was going to suggest that I come back to my trailer tonight and I'll come by thistle house tomorrow."

I could see in Cheryl's face that she didn't want me to do that but it wasn't as if I lived with her at Thistle house, it was only temporary.

"Should we get ready to go?" I asked changing the subject.

Cheryl's pov

I really didn't want Toni to go back to the trailer I enjoyed having her with me but it wasn't as if she had moved in. I kept thinking about tonight alone the entire drive to the lawyers office and didn't even notice when we had arrived.

"Do you want me to wait here for you?" Toni asked.

"No no come in with me." I put my hand out for her to take.

When we got inside there was a reception desk sitting in the middle of the room with a young woman with light brown hair sitting behind it.

"Hi I'm here to see..." I started.

"Have a seat to your left." She said without even lifting her head.

I turned to Toni who strugged her shoulders and pulled me towards the seats. Before we even got to sit down my fathers lawyer appeared out of one of the rooms.

"Cheryl come in." He smiled.

I looked at Toni who smiled at me encouragingly as she sat down.

"Can she come in with me?" I asked.

"Of course." He smiler as he stepped back into his room.

I took Toni's hand as we went into his office.

"Have a seat." He motioned to the two seats closest to us.

For some reason I felt nervous. I didn't know why so he held tightly on to Toni's hand as we sat down across from my fathers lawyer.

"So Cheryl lets just get into it." He picked up a pile of papers. "So your father had $3 million set aside for you and Jason however since Jason is no longer with us instead of the $3 million being halved it would just go to you."

I sat with my mouth opened unable to believe my father would first of have that kind of money set aside or that he would set aside that much for me when Jason was the golden boy. I could feel Toni squeezing my hand probably noticing the shock on my face.

"He hasn't attached any conditions to you receiving the money but you would need to wait up to two weeks for the money to be transfered to you." He continued. "You just need to sign this."

I didnt know what to say to him. I signed the piece of paper and began to get up thinking that was all he had to say.

"Thank you." Toni said following my lead to get up.

"Thats not all sorry." He stopped us. "Your property Thistle house was left to your grandmother but it states that in the event she is no longer able to live there or is no longer with us thistle house would be given to Jason. I understand that youe grandmother is being moved into a nursing home after her accident."

I felt sick as my stomach began to turn. I was waiting for the obvious it would be for my mother since Jayjay isnt here anymore.

"Since again Jason is no longer with us thistle house would therefore be passed on to you."

It was mine. I looked over to Toni who was staring at me wide eyed. I have never been this fortunate in my entire life at least not until Toni came into it.

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