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Cheryls pov

Today had been strange. First we had that disaster of an assembly then whatever that was with hobo and bride of hobo in pops then I told Toni I loved her just for her to say it back and run off to work. She had only been gone two hours but it was the longest we had been apart since she rescued me from the sisters of quiet torture. Thistle house wasn't nearly as big as thornhill but without Toni here it felt bigger and emptier than Thornhill ever did. I had even cleaned up the living room and kitchen hoping time would pass quicker. My stomach was in knots. What if she thought I didn't want to go any further because of her? What if me saying that I loved her really did freak her out and she was happy to get away from me? I couldn't stop worrying and I knew I wouldn't stop until I seen Toni so I put on my red coat and went out front to Toni's motorbike. I had seen her do this so many times how hard could it be. I climbed on turning the key until I heard the engine make its usual noise. It took me nearly five attempts but I was finally moving. I was moving slowly but at least I was going somewhere. Toni made it all look so easy, I could barely find my balance even as I was moving. I began to turn out on to the road outside thistlehouse when I lost my balance and fell off. I was thrown three feet away from where the motorbike was now lying. It was probably very lucky that I had been going so slow or that would have been a lot worse. I climbed back on knowing that it was really the only way I was going to be able to get to Toni. As I became more confident on the road I increased my speed to the speed everyone else in front, behind and beside me were driving. It didn't feel the same as when Toni was driving me and it just made me miss her being on it alone. 

It felt like I had been driving around the south side forever but I finally found the Whyte Wyrm after driving round in circles. I jumped off the bike putting the keys in my pocket and heading inside. I didn't realise how busy it would be. I was surrounded by south side trash and snakes. It took me a few minutes but I finally spotted Toni behind the bar and in the same moment she seen me. I could see the shock in Toni's face the moment she seen me walking towards the bar.

"Hi I thought we could have a little date tonight." I smiled as Toni stared at me incomplete shock. 

Toni's pov

"Date?" I looked at Cheryl confused. "You know I'm working."

"It can be a work date." She smiled. "Can I have a cherry cola? Oh by the way your motorbike is a lot harder to ride than you make it look."

"Cheryl whats..." 

"Before you ask nothing is wrong and your bike is perfectly fine, after a rough start I got the hang of it pretty quickly. I just missed you."

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