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Cheryl's pov

I had the lawyer that had been representing Toni go see Fangs immediately. Toni tried to fight me in staying at the station to hear what was going on but I wanted her away from that station as soon as possible. I drove way above the speed limit on my way to thistle house. I could see the sexy worried look on Toni's face the entire drive. When we finally got to thistle house we sat inside the car in silence. 

"When will the lawyer call?" Toni broke the silence.

"When she gets out from speaking with Fangs she will call straight away." I promised.

"We can't just sit and wait we need to do something!"

"We have told the serpents and FP is on his way with Sweetie we aren't doing nothing we are doing everything that we can do." 

"This isn't right Fangs didn't do it." She insisted banging her fists on the car.

"Toni we will get him out." I placed my hands on top of her fists cupping them. 

Toni slowly lifted her head to look at me. I lifted one of my hands and placed it on her cheek. Toni closed her eyes and a single tear escaped from her eye. 

"I love you Toni Topaz and I will do everything in my power to make sure that Fangs gets out."

Toni's pov

I stared into Cheryl's beautiful brown eyes through my tear filled eyes as she looked into mine. This was one of the many reason why I had asked this perfect girl to marry me.

"I love you too. Thank you for everything you are doing for Fangs and what you done for me." I smiled weakly.

Cheryl's phone began to ring and she immediately pulled it out of her bag. She quickly showed me that it was Fang's lawyer before she answered. I stared at her without blinking while I watched her as she listened to what she was being told. I couldn't hear what was being said but I could see from the look on Cheryl's face that it wasn't good news. I waited anxiously  for her to get off the phone. 

"Okay I'll let Toni know and we will be at the station as soon as we can." Cheryl hung up the call.

"What's going on?" I asked.

I stared into Cheryl's eyes and they were sad. 

"Toni there is a crowd of people outside the station wanting Fang's blood. Fp, Jughead, Betty and Sweetpea are already there and Fp has paid Fang's bail and they can't get him out of the station past the crowd." Cheryl started up the car and sped back out of the driveway of Thistle house.

I felt numb thinking about Fang's. I knew how scared I was being in that place so I knew how he felt except for his situation was worse. I could feel the pressure of being pushed back into my seat as Cheryl sped back to the station. I could see the angry crowd before we even got to the station. I felt sick to my stomach as we grew closer to the station. Cheryl parked the car and we fought our way through the crowd to get to the station. When we finally got inside Fangs was standing with FP, Jughead, Betty and Sweetpea. 

"Fangs." I ran straight to him throwing my arms around him.

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