Getting Out

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Toni pov

I turned to see Cheryl sitting with two pigtails on the old metallic bed. She jumped up and ran straight into my arms. I held on to her as hard as I could for a moment before moving her a step back.

"We need to get out of here." I peaked out of the door and seen the nurse I had locked in the room holding a syringe followed by 2 men all dressed in white.

I closed the door slowly so they wouldn't see and listened for their footsteps.

"How did you get in here?" Cheryl asked.

"With great difficulty."

The footsteps of the nurse and two men ran past the door and suddenly stopped. I held my breathe waiting.

"This way." I heard one of the men say and they footsteps began to quieten.

I opened the door and seen the corridor was empty. I grabbed Cheryl's hand and pulled her out of the cold depressing room. We ran hand in hand along the corridor searching for a way out. I could hear footsteps again and pulled Cheryl into the nearest cupboard I could find. At this point it dawned on me that I had never even held Cheryl's hand before. I looked down to our hands and even though we were no longer running Cheryl was holding tightly on to my hand. The footsteps got louder and then reached outside the cupboard we were in and then into the distance again. Just as I was about to open the door to start running towards the exit again Cheryl pulled me back. I looked into her eyes and seen how scared she was. It had become a familiar look for her since her uncle came into town.

"Its okay we'll get out." I reassured her.

"They're going to have the doors locked we can't get out."

"I'll find a way."

I stepped towards her stopping just a few inches away from her face.

"I've been thinking about that night a lot. The night of the sleepover." She gulped and looked into my eyes, for the first time since I seen her in that room her expression changed. She no longer looked terrified.

I placed my hand gently on her face and she closed her eyes slowly. I moved closer to her until our lips met. The moment our lips touched my breath was taken away. There was a loud bang and we both jumped apart.

"We really need to go." I pulled Cheryl and this time she came.

I checked the corridor was empty before we entered it. We began to run once again and I could now see the doors that I had come in. I stopped before we entered the reception area. The place was filled with men and woman dressed in head to toe white.

"We won't get passed all of them." Cheryl whispered.

"Yes we will." I noticed no one behind the reception desk.

I pointed to it and Cheryl crouched down with me as we made our way behind it.

"Wait here." I said turning to head back down the corridor.

Cheryl grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Trust me."

Cheryl let go of my arm and I ran down the corridor until I found a cupboard. I searched for something. I had no idea what I was looking for but I'd know it when I seen it. Just as I was about to give up I bumped into a cleaning cart. I looked behind it and there was another one. I filled then both with cleaning products, toiletries, brushes and mops. And began to push them both out of the cupboard with great difficulty and I pushed them back along to where I had left Cheryl. I could see Cheryl curled up behind the desk. There was now less workers here. They must be all checking the corridors and rooms, so it won't be long until they know who it is that's missing. Cheryl spotted me and came towards me.

"What are these for? Do you plan on doing some cleaning for them to let me go."

"Just take one and follow my lead."

I pushed one of the cart with all of my strength towards a large group of the workers. The cart knocked over a two of the workers and the rest of them looked in our direction. I pushed the other cart as they were just about to run towards us. I grabbed Cheryl's hand pulling her back into the corridor and into the cupboard that we had just been in. All of the staff had followed behind us and ran straight past the door. I opened the door and we ran towards the exit. I could see the doors and felt relieved.

"STOP THERE!" One of the nurses had stayed behind and was running towards us.

I pushed the giant doors open pulling Cheryl with me down the stairs to Jugheads motorbike.

"I can't get on that." Cheryl insisted staring at the motorbike.

"Its either the bike or you go back with them."

We looked back at the stairs and five workers were running down them. I climbed onto the motorbike and Cheryl climbed on the back wrapping her arms around my waist. I started up the bike and sped away leaving the nurses and doctors with trail of dust and dirt behind us.

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