Archiecon Day 2

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I changed my photo op with skeet to Ashleigh because skeets photo op was during Vanessa's panel. Omg Ashleigh is so lovely she hugged me for so long and I asked her to tell Vanessa that she needs to sleep tonight so that I can sleep because I seem to be waking up when Vanessa wakes up at night, last night she went to bed at around half 10 and woke up at 4am and thats exactly what happened to me last night and the night before she only had like an hours sleep and so did I. But honestly Ashleigh is so lovely she stood hugging me for the entire time we spoke.

All of the cast were an hour late today so they planners played a kind of game. They had a big box with lots of balls and some of the balls had letters wrote on it and if you picked one of them you one a prize. They called out numbers and who evers pass number it was went down and picked 2 balls. It took forever but some people won prizes none of the prizes included anything Vanessa obviously because shes the most popular person here.

Ashleigh liked my photo of us on my instagram I love this cast so much.

There was originally a choni kiss wrote in the finale script but it was taken out so no choni kisses in the finale. Vanessa pretty much called out the network for being scared to show a lesbian relationship. Vanessa watches game of thrones and she wants to dress up as Daenerys for halloween.

Cole facetimed Skeet during our meeting room and Cole facetimed Vanessa before she went to bed last night.

Okay so we dont see much of josie in riverdale compared to others but omg Ashleigh is just so precious. I cant wait to be able to put up all my videos on youtube when I get home on monday.

Charles came out after the signings and sat with us for a few minutes before security made him go back.

Vanessa and Ashleighs panel was the last thing today and you could tell they were just far too tired. I think vanessa was getting a bit fed up because she kept getting asked the same question about the deleted choni scenes and I felt so bad for her because it was even annoying me.

Over all this weekend has been amazing and I am so in love with Vanessa and Ashleigh. Meeting them has been the best expeience of my life by fast.

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