Back To School

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Toni's pov

After a week of recovering I was finally going back to school with Cheryl. I wasn't exactly excited to go to school but I was excited to get out for more than just a few hours.

As we drove to the school I could feel something pulling me elsewhere. I knew where I wanted to go instead of school I just couldn't tell Cheryl. It had been in my mind since the night with the black hood. When we got to the school I walked Cheryl to class and gave her a kiss goodbye. I avoided the serpents best I could on my way back out of the school, they would just want to know where I was going and ask questions that I didn't really know  the answers to. I climbed on my motorbike and headed off knowing that I would need to be fast since I was in Cheryl's class next.

"Hi nana rose." I smiled as I entered her bedroom.

She immediately sat up straight. "Toni."

"I had to see you." I sat down on the seat beside her bed.

"Is Cheryl okay?" She asked.

"She's amazing." I smiled. "In fact she saved my life not so long ago thats why we haven't been to see you in the last weeks." I explained.

"Are you okay?" She looked confused. "No one comes to visit an old woman during school hours for no reason."

"I.." I took the ring out of my pocket. "Do you remember when you gave me this?" I asked.

"Of course child I'm not crazy."

"I just dont understand why you gave it to me so soon."

"When you have been around as long as I have been you see the things other people don't. I see how you and Cheryl are. I see the look in her eyes when she looks at you, she looks at you like you are her home. I see how you are when you are around her, you never stand further than away than you can touch her. I can see the love in both of you. You are young but I can tell you are meant to be together."

"I don't know what to say." I confessed.

"It doesn't matter what you say to me it only matters what you say to her." She smiled. "If the lose of Jason has taught me anything it is that I wont let another of my grandchildren lose out in love. One child died without his love."

"Believe me I understand." I stopped. "I nearly died and my last thought was Cheryl and what you had said when you gave me the ring."

I looked up at Nana Rose who was smiling at me.

"Go get your girl." She took my hand. "Don't miss out in what you want because of other peoples opinions or because you're scared."

"I'm not scared." I insisted. "I love Cheryl."

"Then you know what you are going to do. You don't need me to tell you." She squeezed my hand and smiled.

"Thank you." I stood up from the chair and headed for the door.

"You don't need anyones permission or approval but you have mine and tell Cheryl that."

I stopped before a second and smiled before I left the room.

Countdown - Next Chapter

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