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Cheryl's pov

After going to see my nana I realised that all my inheritance should be in my bank account now and I knew exactly what the first thing I was going to do with it was.  Toni and I have never really been away anywhere together so what better use of some of my inheritance than to take Toni away for a weekend or a week. I think after everything we could really use a break. As we drove through town  I closed my eyes allowing the wind to push my hair back. As we began to slow down I opened my eyes and seen the red light in front.

"Could I get off here just now and meet up with you later?" I asked Toni as I spotted the travel agent. 

"Are you sure?" She looked at me confused. "Are you okay?"

"Yes." I left a kiss on her cheek as I climbed off her motorbike. "I won't be long."

I stood on the side of the road as I waved Toni off making sure she didn't see where I was going. As soon as she turned the corner I headed into the travel agents. It was quiet as usual. No one in this town ever wanted to leave it or maybe they were just stuck. I for one didn't ever want to get stuck in this town. A bell chimed as I opened the door and within seconds a strange looking man appeared from behind the only other door of the room. 

"Good afternoon." His smile covered his entire face in a creepy way.. "How can I help you?"

"I want to book a holiday." I rolled my eyes knowing how obvious it was thats what I wanted. "For two for maybe a week in Mexico." I had no idea where the idea of Mexico had come from but I knew I wanted out of the room with him as fast as I could so I didn't want to look through booklets for a destination.

"Okay have a seat." He sat down at the desk and motioned for me to sit across from him. "I'm Sam by the way."

"Actually can we change the destination?" I asked knowing I could.

"Of course where would you like to change it to?" He asked.

"Paris." I fake smiled and he smiled back.

"That is a great place to visit." He began to type into the computer in front of him. "When are you wanting to book for?"

"June any time."  

I watched as he looked at the computer screen. I hadn't seen him blink since he appeared from behind the door.  

"Okay so that's you booked up for the second week in June." 

"Well that was fast." I got my purse out of my bag.

"Are you paying for it all just now or do you want to pay it up?" He asked.

"I'm paying it all now." I pulled my bank card out and put it into the card machine.

Toni's pov

I decided to order some dinner for Cheryl and I. Usually when she says she won't be long shes home before now. I had all of the food ready and just need Cheryl to go with it. I had turned on the TV to try make time pass by faster. Just as I began to get into what was on the TV I heard the front door open.


"I'm in here." I shouted back.

Cheryl came in carrying at least four shopping bags.

"Where have you been?" I asked.

"I have a little surprise for you." She smiled as she sat down beside me with a massive smile on her face.

I put my arm around her.


Cheryl handed me a white envelope. "Open it." 

I looked at her confused then began to open the envelope. There was two tickets inside.

"Cheryl what is this?" I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Wellll... I thought we could use a holiday." Her smiled grew as she looked into my eyes.

"To Paris! We're going to Paris." I pulled Cheryl in to me and wrapped both my arm around her kissing her bright red lips. 

Cheryl pulled away from me for a second. "I love you Toni Topaz." She began to kiss me again.

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