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Cheryls pov

Unlike when Midge was killed by the black hood I didn't stay seated. I was the first person up as I pushed past all the crowds of people as I searched for Toni.

"Has anyone seen Toni?" I shouted over everyone's screams but no one answered.

My heart was racing knowing that the black hood was definitely here, had a gun and ran out the same door Toni would have been coming back into. She only went out to get me food. If anything happened to her it would be all my fault. I didnt even care that everyone could see how heavily I was crying. Everyone was pushing but I was pushing harder. I had to find Toni. She could be anywhere in the school. I just hoped she wasn't in the line of fire of the black hoods on his way out.

"OUT MY WAY!" I screamed pushing past anyone near me. "TONI!"

Everything felt like it was in slow motion and I felt like I was getting no where even though I was running as fast as I could. My eyes were blurred with tears. I had to find her. I finally made it to the doors the black hood had used to escape. Everyone was piling out of the gym hall into the corridor.

"TONI WHERE ARE YOU?" I screamed.

I kept running and pushing. I had no idea where I was going all I knew was that I was going to find her. I went into the nearest classroom and took one of the chairs. I dragged it out into the corridor placing it beside the lockers. I climbed up on top of it and searched the crowds for my pink haired beauty.

"CHERYL! CHERYL!" I could hear Toni's voice but I couldnt see her.

I looked for her pink hair to appear and it did. I felt a flush of relief. She was fighting her way through the masses of people who were going in the opposite direction. I jumped off the chair and ran towards her. After a minute of pushing through I finally made it to her. I jumped straight into her arms as we held each other in the middle of the crowd of people pushing past us. I kissed her not caring about everyone else wanting out of the school. I had the most important person in the world in my arms.

"I thought I lost you." I cried.

"I'm okay I'm here." Toni held my face in her hands. "Lets get out of here." She took my hand pulling me through the crowd.

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Also I am going away for a few days and Im not sure how my phone signal will be so if I dont have signal and cant post then on monday when I'm back I'll post 3 new chapters all at once.

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