What Are We?

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Toni pov

When we got to thistle house Cheryl got us both pyjamas from her closet forgetting I had brought my own. However I didn't tell her I just put on what she had got me to wear because she seemed excited about it. She put one of the many movies she had picked out and climbed into bed.

We had kissed twice and we havent been apart since I saved Cheryl from the sisters but I still wasn't entire sure what we were. Where we just going to stay friends? Are we more than friends? Cheryl was lying beside me in her bed playing with one of my hands under the covers. It gave me unstoppable uncontrolable butterflies. The movie Cheryl had picked went silent and I knew it wasn't finished since it had only been half an hour so I looked over at Cheryl who was holding the remote and looking at me questioningly. I looked at the TV and the movie had been paused.

"Toni you haven't been your usual self since we got back to thistle house. What's going on?" I could see in her eyes that she was scared.

"Honestly it isn't anything major I just think we should maybe talk about us and the kissing and hand holding. I mean I like kissing and the hand holding and sending time with you but what are we?"

Cheryl stopped playing with my hand under the covers and I saw sadness in her eyes and knew she didn't know the answer.

"I don't want to be just your friend but I also dont want to rush you into anything." I took her hand and squeezed it. "I would like to take you on a date if you were open to that." I suggested.

Cheryl smiled at me.

"TT I would love that and I don't want to be just your friend either I thought I had been pretty obvious about that" She squeezed my hand back smiling.

I could feel the magnetic force that always pulls me to Cheryl pulling me closer to her. I knew she could feel it too as she moved closer to me meeting my lips in the middle of the space between us. From the moment our lips touched the butterflies in my stomach erupted and I couldn't help but smile through out kiss.

Cheryls pov

We lay on my bed wrapped up in each other Toni was playing with my hair gently as we continued to watch our movie. She gently lifted me up so my face was directly across from hers and only a few inches apart..

"Cheryl Blossom you are magnificent." She smiled.

I didn't know what to say but luckily I didn't have the time to say anything before she spoke again.

"Everyone is so wrong about you. You are the most loveable person I have ever met." She kissed me gently slipping her tongue into my mouth.

I was surprised by her sudden burst of emotion. No one had shown me any real kindness or cared for me in so long I didn't know how to except it now. I sat in silence unsure what to say.

"You dont need to say anything you just need to know that you are more than what everyone else sees because I see you and you are sensational."

Side note: Madelaine liked my tweet

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