A New Serpent

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Toni's pov

I got a call from Sweetpea first thing this morning to tell me that everything had been set up for mine and Cheryl's visit with the rest of the serpents. To have a little celebration. Cheryl had no idea that we were even going out today we were meant to have a day in just the two of us. There was a reason behind these plans but Cheryl wouldn't find out until it happens.

"Cheryl baby." I shouted into the bathroom.

"Yes." She shouted back.

"We need to go out today."

"What? Why?" Cheryl came out of the bathroom with a full face of make up.

"Some of the serpents have come back to town for the day and we are all going to meet up at the whyte wrym." I explained.

"Okay well lets go." Cheryl said enthusiastically.

I was surprised at her enthusiasm to go to the whyte wrym. I never thought it was somewhere she enjoyed beind especially with the smell of the place.

Cheryl's pov

We pulled up outside the whyte wrym on Toni's motorbike. We thought it was only fitting to ride it here since she hadnt got the chance to show her harley off since I got her it for her birthday. We made our way inside and I could already hear that the rest of the serpents were already here. Toni held on to my hand our entire walk over to the bar where Jughead, Sweetpea, Fangs and Fp were standing.

"Cheryl good to see you up and about." Fp said.

"Its been a while since its been this crowded in here." I replied.

"The serpents always come when its a special occassion." Fp nodded to Toni and I looked at her confused.

"Is everyone here?" Toni asked.

"I think so." Sweetpea answered her.

"Lets get this show on the road." Fp clapped his hands together as he headed up on to the stage.

"Whats going on?" I asked Toni.

"Wait and you'll see." She smiled putting her arm around me.

"Can I have everyone's attention for a minute?" Fp shouted and the room quietened. "We are here for a very special occasion. Today we are beginning the celebration of one of our owns engagement." Fp nodded towards Toni and I.

As he did so all of the other serpents cheered raising the beer bottles.

"But thats not all we will be celebrating tonight." FP looked over at Toni.

"I'll be back in a second." Toni picked up her backpack and headed over to Fp pulling something red out of her bag on the way.

Fp took whatever it was off of Toni and held it in the hand furthest from me.

"Jug can you come up for a moment." Fp asked.

Jughead climbed up on to the stage and FP handed him what Toni had handed to him.

"I think its about time the serpents had a new king!"

The serpents all cheered for Jughead.

"And as your new king my son here has his first official duty." Fp patted Jughead on the back before climbing off the stage.

"Wow all I can say is I love you dad." Jughead looked shocked. "Okay so I already know who this is for and I know most of you do too." He paused. "Now she took a knife for us. She put herself in harms way for one of our own and she could have died. She has become part of this family in many ways and not just because she is going to marry a serpent. Even with a rocky start with the serpents she has shown so much support for us."

Everyone in the room seemed to know what was going on except me. I knew he was talking about me but I had no idea why.

"Cheryl can you come up here." Jughead put his hand out.

I looked at Toni unsure but she pushed me forward. I climbed up on to the stage and Jughead finally put on to display what the red thing Toni had handed FP was. A red serpent jacket. Jughead held it up and put it on me. It felt so good. The serpents all cheered and whistled.

"You might not have had a family before but now you are part of this family and we will forever have your back just like you had Fangs that night." Jughead shouted into the crowd. "Welcome to the serpents Cheryl!"

I looked down at Toni and she couldn't have looked any prouder or happier. Seeing her so happy made it impossible not to smile. I climbed down off the stage and made my way straight into Toni's open arms.

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