My Love

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Cheryl's pov

It had been a week since I had to get my spline taken out and I was finally getting to go home. Toni had gone to get my car from thistle house to drive me home. I got her to get me a notebook, envelopes and pens before she left. I wouldn't tell her why I needed them because I knew she wouldn't have gotten them and would have called me crazy but after these past few weeks I wanted to leave her something in case anything ever died before we got married or before we got the chance to spend much of our life together. I. sat on the bed with the table in front of me staring at the blank page as I tried to find the words.

Dear Toni,

I know that you will probably be wondering why or when I wrote this but all you need to know is that when I died you were all I was thinking about, I know this is true even now because you are all I think about. When I was stabbed when we were getting Fangs through the crowd of people all I wanted was you and all I could think about was how much I loved you so I know that no matter what that will be the one thing I will always know in my life. When I woke up from that incident I told you that I seen Jason, but I didn't tell you that he spoke to me about you. He has been watching over me since his death and he approved of us. Know that I will be watching over you every day until the day you join me, which I hope is in many many years my love. You came into my life when I needed it the most. You helped me except who I was and made me unbelievably happy. I never thought I would ever be allowed to be happy but you proved me wrong. You have shown me so much in such a short amount of time. I have never felt truly loved or the ability to show love in the way I have with you. You seen through my barriers I had put up, you seen the real me when no one else did. I don't even have the words to thank you for breaking down my walls and loving me the way that you have. I can only hope that I have had enough time with you to show you how grateful I am to have you in my life. I hope that I have been able to show you how much I love you and how much I appreciate your existence. I know that we both didn't have the greatest starts in life with our parents but I truly believe that we came into each others lives to make up for all of the hardship and pain we have suffered. You are the love of my life. You have been since the moment we first met at the race. We might not have known it yet but the world was pulling us together from that moment on. I have never told you this but if it wasn't for you I would never have had the strength to cut my mother out of my life or to come out. You were the first person I had told about what happened when I was younger. You are the only person in this world who truly knows the real me. I have had no secrets from you. You have become my light in the dark of this world. You have my heart Toni Topaz and you always will. I couldn't ever imagine my life without you. You are magnificent. If I could do life over again I wouldn't have changed a single thing from when you entered my life. Please be happy! That is all I want for you. Everything I have is now yours. I know that having thistle house and everything else I own wont exactly make up for me not being with you anymore but I don't know any one else who deserves it more than you.  I wish you could see into my heart so that you could see how much I loved you with your own eyes, I wish you could feel the feeling I had in my heart every time I looked into her beautiful eyes. Please know that I didn't want to leave you alone in this dreadful world and that I would have given anything to have just one more day with you to tell you all of this in person. I want you to have a good life a life that I hope I have begun to give you before you have to read this. I hope this gives you comfort and closure. I hope most of all that you know how much I have loved you and how much I will continue to love you even now. My love for you has been unimaginable and unconditional. Our love was one for the ages, one that only others could dream of having. My sweet serpent queen I love you forever. You gave my life meaning.



p.s you have been the only person in this world that I have been in love with. You are my true first and only love.

I folded over the piece of paper and placed it into the envelope. 

'My One True Love' I wrote on it.

As I placed the envelope into my bag the room door opened and Toni appeared with a smile from ear to ear.

"Ready to go home?" She asked.

"I'm ready to go any where with you." I smiled as I picked up my bag from the bed.

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