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Cheryl's pov

I stared out the cab window in awe as we made our way through Paris to get to our hotel. It was magical! I couldn't wait to just check into our hotel so we could get going.

"So what do you want to do first?" I asked.

"Well I have something planned for us today." Toni tried to hide her smile.


"It's a surprise." Toni bit her lip.

I had no idea what she could have planned for her. I didn't think she had even thought about planning something. She had no idea I had something planned for her in a few days. We pulled up outside our hotel and I paid the driver before climbing out and retrieving our luggage. Toni took both of the suitcases from me.

"After you princess." She smiled as she followed me into the hotel.

Toni's pov

I sat down on the bed as I waited for Cheryl to finish getting dressed. My stomach was doing cartwheels as I fidgeted with nana Rose's ring in my pocket. I had gone to see her before we left for Paris.

"Hi nana Rose." I sat down beside her bed.

"Toni." She smiled slightly. "Do I have a wedding to look forward to yet?" She asked.

"That's why I came to see you." I took her hand. "I'm sure Cheryl has already told you that we are going to Paris in a few days."

Nana Rose nodded.

"I have planned it all out. Cheryl doesn't know I have anything planned I'm going to wait until we get there to tell her but you were right."

"About what?" She asked.

"Everything. After being shot I could finally see what you already see. Life is far too short I could have lost my life with Cheryl because of the black hood and I'm not going to take it for granted anymore." I promised.

I looked at Nana Rose and she looked the happiest I had ever seen her.

"Make sure to come see me both of you together when you get back. I want to see that ring on her finger." She squeezed my hand gently.

"We will." I promised.

I stared at the wall in front of me as I thought about nana Rose back in Riverdald waiting for us to come home and visit her.

"I'm ready." Cheryl twirled round with both her hands out showing off her red silk floor length dress.

"Wow." I stood up. "You look so beautiful."

"Shall we go?" Cheryl smiled.

"We shall." I took Cheryl's hand leading her out of our hotel room.

Cheryl's pov

I had no idea what Toni had planned but I followed her, hand in hand through the streets of Paris. We stopped outside a restaurant which was surrounded by twinkling fairy lights. I stopped outside. 'L'Astrance' the sign above the entrance read. Toni tugged at my hand pulling towards the entrance.

Since you all told me where you're from I'll tell you where I'm from... Scotland.  Also I am 23 years old and study law. Tell me something about you.. I am also currently doing a 12 hour shift just to save money for meeting vanessa and mads next weekend

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