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Toni's pov

I packed my backpack with some spare clothes as Cheryl packed one of her handbags. I was nervous that Jason wouldn't be as happy to see Cheryl as Cheryl will be to see him. Greenvale was a few towns over so it would take at least a day and a half to get there. I had never seen Cheryl pack so fast in the entire time I had known her.

"TT are you ready? Ive already put my things in the car?" She called up to me.

"Coming." I threw my backpack over my shoulder and went down stairs to meet Cheryl who was standing at the door waiting on me.

As soon as my foot hit the last step Cheryl grabbed my hand and pulled me behind her as she ran to her car. I climbed into the passenger seat and we were finally on our way to get Jason.

Cheryl's pov

It was already beginning to get dark and we had only been driving for five hours. Took the wheel after barely even an hour because I was shaking so badly. I coulsnt understand why I was shaking ao badly. I was excites to find Jason. I could only hope he would still be there. I didn't want to tell Toni but I was still feeling like I could vomit at any point. I ran out of the doctors so fast after hearing I wasn't pregnant that I didnt give her the chance to find out what was actually causing the sickness.

"Where are we going?" I asked Toni confused as she took the wrong exit.

"We are a few hours ahead of what we should be so I thought we could take a look at the view while we had something to eat." Toni smiled.

I couldnt even think about food but I knew I had to eat or I would make it to the hotel and probably faint. Toni pulled into a drivethru for a small diner. She ordered us both burgers, fries and soda. She placed the bag of food in the back seat and quickly drove away. I had no idea where we were going but after smelling the food I wanted to get there fast so I could eat. Toni sped up a large hill that seemed to go on forever. When we finally reached the top she stopped on the middle of the large piece of land that sat empty. I reached behind us and got the bag of food sharing it out. I felt like I had just inhaled it all, eating it fast than I ever had Toni.

"So you liked that then?" Toni laughed.

"I think so I didnt really taste it much to be honest." I smiled.

"Wow you were right about the view though." I stared out at the orange sky as the sun was beginning to set. It was stunning.

"This was just an excuse to be alone somewhere and have something to eat. I've had an amazing view since the moment I opened my eyes this morning." Toni smiled at me.

"That was very smooth." I raised my eyebrow and I placed my hand on her naked thigh.

Toni looked at my hand and then to me with her eyebrow raised as a smiled spread across her face. I bit my lip and toni moved her face closer to mine taking my bottom lip from between my teeth to hers. She kissed me passionately as she climbed on top of me. Her hands moving over my body as I held her ass. I slid my hand down the side of the seat searching for the leaver to make the seat go back. I eventually found it and pulled it causing us to be jolted backwards. We both laughed and continued to kiss. I moved my hand that had been on the leaver up Toni's skirt, slipping my fingers inside her as she moaned in my ear. As I moved my hand into a position that I could keep my fingers inside her and use my thumb outside i heard a noise outside the car. I stopped moving my fingers and stopped kissing Toni. Toni looked at me confused. As I was going to explain I heard the noise again. This time Toni heard it too. She placed her finger over my lip and looked through her backpack. She pulled out a small blade and slowly climbed off me. She quickly jumped out the car.

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