Wedding Planning

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Cheryl's pov

After Toni had went out and got our wedding bands to give me for my birthday I thought it was about time we actually started making some wedding plans and sorting out a guest list. I had made a point to have Toni come straight home after work so we could sit down and start making decisions. I had a good idea of everyone I wanted to invite after seeing everyone at my birthday party that Toni had thrown for me. 

"Okay so lets do this." Toni sat down next to me smiling. 

She pulled out a notepad from her backpack and a pen placing them down in front of herself.

"Where do we start?" She asked.

"Venue?" I replied.

"Do you have anywhere in mind?" She asked.

"I was thinking that we could have it outdoors in one of the flower meadows in thistle houses grounds." I suggested. 

"I like that idea." Toni wrote down venue and thistle house flower meadow. "So I was thinking that for after the ceremony maybe we could use one of the barns." 

I looked at her worried at what she was suggesting and I think she could see the panic in my face. 

"I mean have the entire barn done up completely have it ripped out and painted, have a bar built inside along with all the tables and have a floor put in. Fairy lights and candles. A stage for the pussycats to perform on." Toni smiled as she slid her hand on top of mine.

I didn't realise she had already put so much thought into it already. 

"I think that sounds like the perfect night." I smiled as Toni began to scribble down in her notebook again. 

"I booked a cake tasting this morning while you were at work and we go there next week." I confessed.

"I'll make sure they give me the day off work." Toni kissed me. 

"So what about the wedding party? " I asked.

"Well I know it isn't exactly normal or traditional but I wanted to have Sweetpea, Fangs and Jug. I don't exactly have friends that are girls and the serpents are my family. Our should I say our family." 

"I wouldn't have expect you have choosen anyone else. Do you think the rest of the serpents would come back for the wedding?" I asked. 

"I really dont think so. They wouldn't want to make our wedding somewhere that wasnt safe since its not safe for them here." I could see how sad that it made Toni that all of the serpents wouldn't be able to come and wish I could do something about it.

"I was thinking of asking Betty, Veronica and Josie." I watched as Toni wrote their names down on her list.

"I was thinking that we could have the twins as page boy and flower girl." Toni suggested.

"Omg yes they would be so cute."

"So we will need to make sure we invited Polly and the rest of the Coopers as well as FP." Toni continued to write. 

"Im sure we could get my nana out for the day and she would sit with us." I added.

"What about our honeymoon?" Toni smirked.

"Well I have a few ideas. Rome, Athens or Mexico." I suggested.

"I'll sort the honeymoon out and surprise you." Toni smiled. "Is there anything else you can think we need to decide on just now?" 

"I think we should get save the dates sent out asap." I gave Toni a quick kiss before getting off my seat.

So for any chapters that include any kind of sexual activity I will put * at the end of the title... there is going to be a not very nice chapter that comes up soon so if theres any chapters that could be a trigger I will put # at the end of the title.

Also I am trying to get to 1000 subscribers on youtube so I would appreciate it so much if you all could go subscribe. Im going to be post all of the archiecon panel videos on it soon when they all finally finish uploading. I'll link a video from my youtube so you all can find it if you want to subscribe. Ive got quite a few Choni videos and scenes up on it already.

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