The Note

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Cheryl's pov

I stood staring into my mothers all too familiar gaze.

"Didn't you get my note?" She asked. "I wasn't sure if you got it or not so I had to come back."

"What are you talking about?" I shouted at my zombie mother.

"The note I put through your door last week. I had to make sure that you came alone but you never came but you need to know something before I go for good." She took a step forward.

"No I did come you demonic psychopath." I stepped forward angrily as she took a step away from me once again. "I came because I would do anything to ensure my cherie's safety but instead of meeting you I was met with a blow to the head and when I came round I was being raped!" I screamed the last part in her face as tears built up in my eyes.

She looked at me startled not moving or saying anything.

"Are you trying to tell me you has nothing to do with yet another misery that has appeared in my life. You have caused all the pain in my life up until I cut you out and the night you come back from the dead I'm attacked."

"Cheryl I didnt have any part in that. I came that night to warn you.."

"Warn me? Warn me about what exactly? That you were back to ruin my life some more!" I could feel an immense amount of anger taking over me. "Or was it to warn me that you had now come back from the dead because I really don't care. I was happier with you dead."

For the first time in my life it looked like my words had actually hurt my mother.

"Cheryl please listen." She pleaded.

"You should go before Toni gets back." I opened the door for her to leave.

"Cheryl you are in danger please just listen you silly child." 

"I've only become in danger from the moment you appeared in my life again." I motioned for her to leave. 

She made her way towards me putting her burnt hand in her pocket. 

"If you won't listen to me everything you need to know is in this." She handed me an envelope with my name on it. "Just read it and I won't be back unless you call me."

My hateful mother finally left and I slammed the door behind her.

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