Recovery [UnderFell!Sans x Suicidal!Reader]

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Request by insane-nightmares. Nothing more that needs to be said, so STORYTIME.

It has been a month since you attempted suicide. It has been a month since Sans saved you from killing yourself. His touching words still lingered in your mind every day. Sans was the only reason you stuck around in this torture that was life. 

In this world it may be kill or be killed, but some people don't WANT you to be killed? Hell, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I lost you or Papyrus! I would be a wreck! I would be weak without you. I need you to stay strong so I can stay strong. I want to help you stay strong. We can be strong enough together. Don't do it.

That little speech made you remember that someone needed you and that you would actually be missed, like you feared and believed nobody would. Sans won't ever understand how much he actually means to you.

So that leads you up to today. Papyrus was out with the royal guard so that gave the two of you a much needed break. Sans was asleep on the couch, fast asleep. You tucked him in with that favorite blanket of his and stuffed a toy under his arm. He was smiling in his sleep and Doomfanger was curled up in his lap on top of the blanket. It was an adorable sight. Then you saw Papyrus through the window. Oh no.

You ran to the door before he could slam it open and wake Sans up. You opened it and closed it gently behind you to greet the boss home. You smiled innocently at him. Maybe I forgot you ask nice enough and do whatever he wants he will agree to let him sleep. Please, just let Sans sleep. He needs it...

"TOY! What are you doing out here!?"

He growls at you. Toy was your name. To everyone except Sans, you were nothing but a toy. An abuse toy, a sex toy, a doll that anyone can do whatever they want to. But no. You could endure it so Sans gets an extra hour.

"Boss, please let him sleep. Please be quieter. He deserves it! I'll do anything! I swear! Please just let him sleep!"

Papyrus was honestly surprised. The toy cared enough for the pet to cover for him simply for a few minutes of extra shut eye. She must have some guts to ask him, the great and terrible Papyrus for a favor. To be honest, Papyrus kinda saw you in a newer light now.


Wow, the toy was even about to cry! Papyrus was tempted to push the toy's limits, but he had standards. Plus he was feeling a little generous today after getting a sought promotion in his work. Soon enough the royal guard will be his!

"Then get to the shed, we're going to have some fun~"

When the Boss says fun in that way, you know exactly what's coming to you. You sighed and nodded, keeping your head bowed as you walked towards the shed. You felt him spank you from behind you as he led you to the shed.

This was for Sans. It was all for Sans. You would do this a million times for Sans to be happy. He needed you. He cared for you. This was for Sans. It was all for Sans. You would do this a million times for Sans to be happy. He needed you. He cared for you. This was for Sans.

Sans was fast asleep as Papyrus used you again.

Wow, another trashy oneshot. I'm sorry.


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