Weed Daddy [UnderSwap!Papyrus x Reader]

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Based on that title I must sound SUPER kinky right here. But nah. I thought I'd do something lighthearted after a string of negative emotions. Sorry Nightmares, but it's storytime.

Everyone has that one embarassing nickname someone thst they know and are close to calls them just to tease them every biw and again. And if you don't, then you're a liar. But if you really don't ill look at your profile and give you one. I need to stop breaking the fourth Wall....

Back to the point! We all have Nicknames we get from doing something embarrassing or what not. Papyrus in our little oneshot is no exception. His nickname actually is a two parter! Do you want to hear it? Well let's explain how the hell papyrus got his nickname Weed Daddy!


You were sitting on the couch with Bluberry. He just earned his nickname after attempting to make a blueberry pie only for it to explode in the oven because he did it wrong. You both were chilling to calm down after that accident.

Then Papyrus walks in, a different thing in his jaw other than the normal cigarette. His eyesockets seemed almost droopy and he seemed to Ben staggering his steps. He slams the door behind him, causing you both to jump and look in his direction. You knew what happened. You can see it in his eyecokets.


You shush him by placing your finger over his teeth. Sans shuts up and grows scared. If you needed to evaluate the situation, it had to be something you believed was dangerous. You don't break eye to eyesocket contact when you whisper back to Blue, praying that Papyrus won't snap like your abusive, drug addicted parents did on the surface when they were on this shit.

"Sans, go upstairs. Now."

Papyrus seemed oblivious to a lot of things. Good. He wasn't angry on things like pot. Whatever drug it was, it was something you were against. Blueberry nodded and kquietly snuck around to the stairs to go to the safety of his bedroom.

Papyrus watched him go quietly, as if trying to figure out who the hell it was. Then he looks back at you, trying to indentify the human standing right in front of him with a dissaprovijg face. He watched a hand reach up towards him and pluck whatever it wasn't pit of his teeth.

"I don't want you on Weed, Papyrus. Sit down so we can get you back to normal. I'll get some water for your systems and some crackers to get some food in you. But I need you to sit down. Got it?"

Papyrus nodded, beleiving that the figure was his mom. Did he have a mom? He didn't know. But this person could be his mom. The possibilities were endless. The multiverse was endless. What was he compared to the multiverse? If he was just a speck, was anything he did worth it? Did anything he do in his life matter? Does he even matter? Who knows. But for now he can obey.

You get exactly what you said to basically sober him up from the weed. He Justin blankly stared at the television. He must be one of those extisential crisis Drugies. Good. That's better than most of the drugs addicts who turn into an angry drunk.

"What is life?"

You hear him mutter under his nonexistent breath. You sigh in relief, handing him an open water bottle and a few Ritz Crackers. You guys know what Ritz Crackers are, right? No? Huh. It must be an America Thing.

"It's wahtever you make of it, now drink. We want this fucking weed to wear off so we don't scare your brother."


Blueberry was out with Alphys, training like normal and you were out around Snowdin town so Papyrus was alone at home. Perfect. He had been feeling a little.... tense recently. Lots of stress... yeah...


Faster. Faster. A thousand times FASTER!!! Papyrus was pumping his hand fast. If he hadn't skin over his face, it would be very scrunched up in pleasure right now. He was alone, so he could say whatever he wanted.

"Fuck me Daddy!"

You smirked, revealing yourself. Papyrus cummed all over his ahnd and whipped his skull to see you laughing. The door was open and you were leaning on the doorframe. Blueberry wasn't there, thank god, but you were. His face dusted completely orange.

"A Daddy kink!? Damn Papyrus! I wouldn't expect that from you!"

Papyrus quickly pulls duo his pants and wiped the cum off his hand on a roll of paper towels he kept next to him. You stopped laughing and just smirked st him as he tried to approach you intimidatingly. But catching a skeleton masterbating is the opposite of intimidating.

"You will keep your fucking mouth shut."

You snicker, causing him to growl. Man, you could be backhanded and evil when you wanted to. You'll see what I mean in a moment.

"Okay, Daddy."


And that's how Papyrus became Weed Daddy! You have yet to earn a nickname so you have a clean slate. Way to go you!

I hope I made some of you laugh. Sorry for lack of updates today. I'm so sorry. I'm the worst...


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