Replacement [ClassicBerry]

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Man, classic needs more love from the multiverse fandom than he gets. So why not give him some love from the most energetic of the bunch? Well, that's misleading. You'll see why.

Sans had been... different since everything started happening. This wasn't just a normal reset. This wasn't just a normal genocide route. This time the universe tried to correct the problem. There was something in the code... something new. Something different.

After the human killed Papyrus and left, his scarf disappeared and was replaced by a bluenette bandana in front of Sans. He watched the code gather up and from a shape that's looked similar to his skeletal type. Then he appeared.

Another Sans. Smaller, cuter, and with the personality of his brother. A replacement papyrus. An alternate version of himself from a timeline where everything was swapped from the world that he knew. He watched him fall to the ground, with tears in his eyesockets, look up, and whisper something.


Sans shook his soul. He reached little a hand for the kid. He must be confused, freezing, and traumatized. He must have watched himself get killed by... who would the swap version of Frisk be? The first fallen human? Yeah. Watched himself get killed by Chara. This was serious. Look. No Whoopie cushion in the hand.

"Nah, Kid. I'd say I was sans but by lookin at ya, you are too."

He watched the kid rewchnout for his hand, stand up, and immediately hug him. He cried I to his short, not even bothering at how it was stained with ketchup and grease over the years by going to Grillby's. Sans pitied the kid. He placed his hand on the back of this kid's skull and tried to comfort him. Incoherent sobs choked out of his mouth. Sans didn't have to have ears to know he was crying out for his brother, the equivalent of him but papyrus.

"There, there. Don't cry kid. I'll help ya. I'll get ya home. Don't worry. We can get through this. Together."

Sans tried everything to soothe him, and it seemed like what he was saying was finally getting through his thick skull. Heh. Thick skull. He needs to remember that for the next reset. So he can tell Tori about it.

"Now, why don't I take ya home? You look like you could go for a nice, hot meal. Doesn't that sound?"

The smaller skeleton pulled up from his chest, leaving him to feel a damp cold spot Fromm where his tears fell onto him. Sans noticed his pupils had little teardrops in them. Did he have that thing where the magic in his pupils changed with his mood? That was kinda cool. It made him pity the kid even more though.

"Th-thank you, other m-me."

So he was a Sans from a parallel universe. Just as he speculated. He smiled down at the kid, rubbing the ton off his skull as if ruffling a head of hair on a little brother. Henwatched hisnpupils change from tear drops to circles.

"No sweat it, little bro."

Now he watched those circles change into stars. Paoyrus must have been his lazy older brother, just as he to Sans. No matter how many times that happens, it's like there's a gap in your soul when you lose that person you love more than anyone else

Maybe... maybe he can be the replacement for thst love during this genocide route. At least until he has to judge the kid at the last corridor.

I hope I made some of y'all cry. Sorry for the lack of super awesome updates today. We have a guest here and we Want her to feel welcome so we are making her feel welcome all right. Lol


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