Portraits [Fell!Palette x Shy!Reader]

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Request by Black_Shadow_Rose so who am I to deny? Ready? Let's go. (This is gonna suck...

UnderHigh wasn't a nice school, that's a fact. Everyone is getting into fights, verbally abusing eachother, teacher's doing nothing to change it. You could go on forever with all the things wrong with your school but you can just leave it at that to explain how terrible it is.

Every day was a struggle. Just get by everyone without being noticed. Just try not to let the constant bullying get to you. Just try to survive. No need for more, Hell for those who are less. Just survive. 

Currently, you are sitting in your favorite class of the day. Art with Mister Ink. Art was the only thing you could do to express yourself. Just like everything else in this school, your art happened to be morbid and scary. You couldn't help it, it was expressing the feelings deep down within yourself! 

Being a rape victim was not fun and good for your mental health.

So right now you were drawing a sketch of yourself, but as a monster so it wasn't recognizable, drowning underwater with a gag in your mouth and chains pulling you down. A feeling of helplessness, depression, and unwanted solitude. It represents yourself well.

As you were drawing, you felt a gaze poking over your shoulder. You were just on the sketching and about to get to the lineart. But you're anxiousness got the best of you. Your pencil started shaking in your hand, yet you were terrified to confront whoever was looking over your shoulder.

"Great sketch, dork."

You know that voice. You set your pencil down all together and turn to see the face of the teacher's son, Palette. He was judging your art. He never said anybody's art was more than okay, so that was a huge compliment. You just sat there, flabbergastered.

"You gonna thank me for the compliment, weakling?"

Oh, OH! Right. Uh, where was your voice when you need it!? Man, was your face hot or what? Nah, the whole room was boiling hot! Was this summer school or something? Jesus, voice, just work!

"Y-Yeah, sorry. Th-Thank you Palette."

The snickered at you, causing the whole class to look your direction. If someone cool and popular like Palette was laughing at something, It was a garunteed everyone else would too. Attack someome's Weaknesses and pray they don't see yours. The number one rule of UnderHigh.

"You're pathetic, can't even spitter a sentence without stuttering. Guess your skill set make up for that, eh? I want at least a sketch of me by the end of the week, got it?"

Wait, hold up holds up hold up. He wants you  to draw him!? Your smile grew wide. You couldn't hide it. You wouldn't just get him a sketch of him, you would get the most amazing work you'll ever do in the history of ever! This was your moment, your time to rise! You look Palette dead in the eyesockets with a confidence you never knew you even had.

"What kind of media? I have charcoals, pens, colored pencils, pastels, acrylic paint, watercolor, I can collage it, or anything you want! What kind of art style? Realistic? Anime? Western cartoon? Chibi? Do you want it framed? Thick paper or thin? Is there anything you want me to based it off of? I can make it on a song lyric, a special quote, anything!"

Palette recoiled, surprised you could even talk so fast. Christ, this kid could get very passionate about art. Palette snickered again. That was actually kinda fucking adorable. He looked over to his dad, who was just in his own little world again, then he looked back at you.

 "Whatever you think Is best, dork. But finish this one first. I'd like to see how you make it end up."

You nodded eagerly and snatched your pencil, finishing the sketch of the drawing up with a large DETERMINATION. The rest of the class could hardly beleive that happened. Palette just stored back to his desk and looked at his own art. It looked terrible compared to the projects you've taken ruined into to this class. He grumbled and grabbed his pencil. 

He would find a way to draw that portrait of you no matter what it takes.

Wow that was hard OKAY


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