Research [NaJ_Fresh x Reader x JaN_Fresh]

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Requested by _Lila_Writezz and I think I'm ready to rock and roll with this storytime. Are you? Female reader.

Okay, you don't know how or why this happened, but there was now a second Fresh who was literally the opposite of your cute little Fresh in the room. All three of you agreed on trucking and trying to find a way to put Jock Fresh back in his universe. Good thing you're the daughter of a scientist.

"So, Alternate Fresh, tell us about yourself."

He looked very... depressed. He missed his home obviously. Fresh, your fresh, was sitting next to you on the bed while he spun in the computer chair, obviously bored and homesick. He wore glasses that expressed his thoughts, which you wanted to study further but he wouldn't take them off.

"Uh, I hang around the skate park a lot. Lots of people love me despite how I talk, I'm supposed to be the Most Populst guy at school, annoying girls throw themselves at me. I feel like I gotta hide the things that don't make me popular, ya know? Everyone says popularity is everything and I'm lucky to have what I got. I kinda don't even want it. It's just stress. I can't even be with my girlfriend in public because people don't think she's popular enough!"

You look at Fresh, your Fresh. He has a pity look on his face. He stands up and walks over to the stressed out other universe version of himself. You noted the key things before inhaling a breath of air before looking at him.

"It's the alternate me, isn't it?"

Both Freshes look over at you. Fresh's eyesockets were glued onto Alternate Fresh. You know what? JaN!Fresh is now Alter for this oneshot, Alright? Now that's settled let's get back to the story. Alter sighed.

"Yeah. (Your name) (Last Name). She's a science nerd and everyone's hates her. She has this lips when she speaks and wears the dorkiest glasses. I love her anyways. She's funny, makes me laugh, and she helps me understand things I never could understand with the lessons our crap teachers teach us. The only things we actually learn are in athletics, and I don't even care for basketball! I just want to skate. I just wanna be happy and stay with my girl."

Fresh gave him a Comforting pat on the shoulder. You wiped your eye, sad for this alternate version of Fresh. If he just stayed here it could be better for him, yet his girlfriend was on the other side in the alternate universe.

"We'll get you home, we promise. But for now you'll have to stay here. I have an extra room in my house my family isn't using. You can stay with me. The skate park is down the block as well so you can be content. Fresh, babe, I'm going to need you to get him settled in. I want to go do research on the multiverse theory so I can perhaps find a way to contact the other universe and make a portal for Alter."

Fresh nodded, helping Alter out of the chair and down the hall. He can't stay in Fresh's house after all. His parents would go bonkers if they saw another Fresh walking around! Besides, easier to do research if he was with you.

Poor Alter. You swore you'd get him home.

This was short and bad I'm so sorry


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