It's a Surprise! [Dreamberry]

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This one I do ship. Really hard. I love this ship! SQUEEEEEEEE!!! Okay, enough fangirling. It's storytime.

Also I'm too lazy to put his words in all caps. Sorry.

Dream was being dragged by the wrist by his overactive friend, blueberry. They currently were in his home AU, underswap. Blueberry said he had big plans for today, being the anniversary of when they met. That just means Dream can't even imagine what to expect today!

Well, I mean, so far he is blindfolded and being forced to run wherever he feels Blueberry urging at him. That's crazy already, right? Starting in snowdin and running this far he had to assume he wanted to go to another region of the underground. 

Suddenly, they stop. Dream runs into something, and by the sound of it he didn't run into soemthing but someone. Blueberry. Duh. Blueberry still had a grip on his wrist. He could tell his friend was jumping up and down up and down up and down.

"Uh, Blue? Can I undo my blindfold?"

Dream asks awkwardly. Blueberry stoops jumping, realizing his mistake. The person he was trying to surprise slash impress slash confess to was still blindfolded! How could his plan work if he wasn't even able to see everything!? Blueberry reached around his firend's Skull and undid the cloth. Much better.

Once Dream regained his sense of sigh he gasped. This was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen! And he's been to every single AU and Seen all of their beautiful things. But this was just too amazing, and all for him.

The echo flowers were planted with the white golden flowers right in front of a stunning view of the waterfall. There was a decorated table with wrapped gifts on it and a banner that read in yellow letters: you're awesome Dream! With that neat handwriting the Undyne of this Universe must have helped him.

He listened to the waterfall, telling forward to the flowers. He bent down to admire them when he heard something say something very strange to him. Words he's been deceived by before. Words that brought back bad memories. But they were in Blueberry's voice. And he wasn't even talking. The magic of echo flowers.

"I love you dream!" "Be mine dream!" "You're the best, Dream!" "I love you!" "I love you!" "I love you, Dream!"

Dream stood up. Blueberry was bouncing on the balls of his feet in anticipation that his confession will be accepted And they could start the dating process. He already memorized his manuals and prepared for today for months! All he needed to do was set this up and wait for Dream to say yes!

"Dream, would you date me?"

Dream turned around and faced blue, revealing that he was crying. Blueberry's always energetic smile fell. Did he do something wrong? These weren't tears of joy. These were tears of sadness! He approached his potential lover.


Dream looked into his eyesockets and saw the genuine concern and love he had for him. He was scared. He didn't know how to love. He wasn't even sure He knew where to start. He rubbed underneath his eyesockets to rid the tears.

"I... I don't know the first thing about love..."

Blueberry sighed in relief and giggled. If he showed happiness, that normally reflected onto the other and everyonenwas happy again! He just hoped it would work for the one person he cares about more than everyone. Even papyrus!

"I read a manual! I could help you! Teach you! Or else I wouldn't be the magnificent sans! MWEH HEH HEH!!!"

Dream let out a small giggle. Blueberry never understood large, complex concepts like this and how he could be so worked up. He never told him th story anyways. But his words meant more than he could ever know, and it did work at reassuring him that this was okay and he loved him for him, not his aura. Dream craned out his neck and pressed his teeth on his cheek as I felt he tried kissing him.

"Then let's let the dating start."

I think that gave you a rollercoaster, Didnt it? Lol. I had fun writing this one! Dreamberry is friggin awesome and it used to be the OTP Until I discovered classicberry.

Well I hope you enjoyed this regardless! Requests are still up in case you thought otherwise. I just want to finish the last ship of the Star Sanses first.


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