ASMR [Lust!Sans x Reader]

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Sometimes a character isn't all they appear to be. There's a good side to everyone somewhere. You just have to dig deep to find it.

The underground was becoming a much better place for everybody. Ever since you've fallen down and completed your journey you decided to stay and help heal the monsters here instead of breaking the barrier. Besides, until everyone is better it would be for the best to keep them down here.

You, Mettaton, Papyrus,  And Sans started the ASMR. Anti Sex Movement of Righteousness. Mettaton broadcasts television shows about saying no to rape and stuff like that. Paoyrus helps on the channel by saying how wrong it is in commercials and helping out with shows. You, Sans, and Papyrus make public speeches against this mass sex thing to try and persuade people to stop.

Sadly, not many people agree with you and just walk up in the middle of the speech to ask if you'd want to bang later. But some places are wxtuslly opening up to the idea of a reformation period in the underground. For example, Grillby's is slowly but surely trying to turn away from being a strip club and turning into a gambling bar. After that, Grillby said he wanted to transition fully into a resteraunt one day, but his costumers mostly come for the strippers and the beers so he has to keep that sort of theme. It was really sad, really.

The ASMR wasn't popular yet. You tried getting Undyne on your side but She was against the ASMR in the name of the King. Everyone is staying loyal to the king. It really stressed you out. The ASMR was In the right here.

Right now, you just finished a failed speech and you had several people trying to grope you and get you in the mood. It was horrible. You hate it. You were sniffing behind a building. It see,ed hopeless. It was all hopeless.

That's when Sans found you. He was wearing the official ASMR tee shirt under his purple vest instead of that tight crop top. He had short sleeves now, which was good. The light blue-green tee shirt really suited him. You looked up at him, forcing a smile through your tears.

"Hey Sans."

Sans didn't say anything. He sat down next to you and pulled out a small red rose he found in a bush earlier. He took it and he placed it behind your ear silently. He had a solemn look wiped all over his skull. He must have failed with his attempt today as well. 

"You okay?"

You aked him. He certainly didn't look okay. He looked like he was dragging on with each and every day. Sans let out a sigh, the only noise you've heard from him so far. He then grabbed your head and placed a loving kiss on the top of your head. After that, he spoke for the first time since he found you.

"We just need to keep persisting. It's perserverance and determination that will help us get through this."

Then he pulled out a purple rose to rival the red one he put behind one ear. He placed the purple rose on the other ear and tucked it in parallel to the red rose. Sans smiled, making you look him in the eyesockets with a hand under your chin. He chuckled softly.

"We can do this. We can heal. We just have to keep trying."

He sounded like he wasn't just trying to convince you, but convince himself that reforming the underground was even possible. Sans then reached out his arms and pulled you into a hug. You noticed that he was shaking a bit. You huged him back in responses.

"Yeah, we'll keep trying and we'll Show everyone that sex isn't everything. Love over Lust."

Sans chuckled, holding back his tears. He didn't want to feel this way. The reason he was crying wasn't because he was upset about a speech or something. He was upset because his body was craving sex. He was having a painful heat he has Been trying to surpress ever since he met you. It was painful, and it was starting to get even worse. 

Sans hated himself. He hated himself for feeling this way. He hated himself for being such a dirty slut. He regretted everything. Now that his body was accustomed to that, it expects more. He ecspecially wants you. But he knows that's not possible. He needs to repress it for the ASMR. He needs to repress his heat for you.

Love over Lust.

If you haven't noticed,  I like bringing a good, reformed side to UnderLust Papyrus And Sans because they are two compassionate characters I can see doing this. Lust Sans May be my new favorite.


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