For Forever [DustLust]

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Being a multishipper Like myself I have to appreciate this ship, even if you dont.

All we see is sky, for forever

Dust and Lust were hanging out in a universe that wasn't  their own. Dusttale was empty and covered in dust, UnderLust was filled with list driven monsters wanting to fuck the senseless, so they didn't want to be there.

Instead, they were in Outertale. They were stargazing together, forgetting all the troubles of their origins and just being together. Not thinking about where they came from, what they did in the past, or anything like that. 

No, this couple was living in the now. They lived in the present. And in the present they were together, they were happy, and there was no worries. Hakuna Matatta for all you Disney fans reading this oneshot. Here in outertale, this was their problem free philosophy. 

We let the world pass by, for forever

It was just peaceful. Hands entwined, legs brushing, and stargazing. Who cares if the waterfall was making their pants wet? Skeletons can't get hypothermia. Who cares if the echo flowers were whispering? It just made the moment sweeter. It was amazing that the waterfall had no roof and you could see the stars through it.

There was no killing, no dust, and no horrifying stuff. There was no sex, no lust, no cum everywhere. It was just love. Not psycopathic love. Not sex driven love. Just wholesome, true, amazing love.

Feels like we can go on for forever this way


Dust looked over at his partners, who was Looking up at him with big Purple Hearts floating in his eyesockets as eyes. He was holding onto his arm, cuddling onto him. He had the most innocent face anyone from UnderLust, excluding Mettaton, ever had.

"Yeah babe?"

Lust smiled. He loved how he used nicknames for him instead of his universe's name. Of course, he respected that Dust would rather be called Dust than anything like Sugar, Honey, or any pet names. But he hated the fact he came from such a place and regretted everything. Babe was a perfect fit.

"I love you."

Dust smiled, his teeth stretching wide over his jawline. He reached his free arm over and patted his skull as of he wasn't an anime girl who deserved a comforting and loving head pat. He watched him giggle and have a slight purple bush play at his cheekbones. It warmed Dust's SOUL inside.

"I love you too."

Two friends on a perfect day

Lyric fic with the chorus. Jesus these are short and horrible. I'm so sorry. 


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