The Greatest Inspiration [Ink x Creative!Reader]

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Request number two since I've opened back up for SIColorsOfTheRainbow. Also listen to the song above it will garuntee some inspiration for you. I swear.

You were stumped! Your boyfriend, Ink's, birthday was coming up and you wanted to make him something. You didn't know what or how! Make him a drawing? No, it would never be up to his standards and skill. A dance? Ha! You have two left feet! Sew him some clothes or a doll? Nah, that would just prove you're a stereotypical housewife. What should you make him!?

Wait, a song. Not many musical alternate universes exist. Sure, there are fan songs based on the original universe and other characters. But since when did anyone make an original song from the creator of the universes? No one! Yeah! That's a way you can be original and be creative for him!

But you need an idea for a song, instrumentals, lyrics, a good voice, and a million things you aren't good with! Ugh! You were stressing in your room in CreativityTale, an underrated AU you lived in, When Dream decided to drop in with a teddy bear.

"Hey, I could sense you were stressed so me and Blue won you this at an arcade."

Dream stepped out of the rift and brought his best friend Blueberry with him. Blueberry was the sans from underswap, one of the three most successful parody alternate universe off of UnderTale. Both of these skeletons were very cheery and happy. To you they were a perfect pair.

"What's wrong, human? Struggling to think of a gift for Ink?"

Wow, these two knew you like they were reading your actions and thoughts straight from words on a page. Oh wait.... *glares at you*. Anyways, they hit the nail on the head and you nodded. Both skeletons sat next to you on both sides.

"I want to make Ink a song, but I have no idea how to!"

You sighed, hugging your knees. There was no way you could do this! Blue and Dream stranger a look between eachother around you. They both nodded, getting a conversation out of simple eyesocket contact. That was a symbol of true best friends.

"Just Find And inspiration."

"Once you're already determined to do something, you'll pull through."

Yeah, easier said than done. You jus sighed in response. The skeletons figured there was nothing else they could do. Dream set the teddy bear where he was sitting as they both sielently left you to contemplate how you're going to make a song for Ink.

You looked up at the ceiling, which you and Ink painted one day because you were bored. You painted it a dark blue, then purple, then green, then another layer of a darker blue to give it that supernova color. Then white and yellow speckles representing stars. It was just like the sky when you two went on a date and stargazed in outertale.

You smiled at the memory, shifting your gaze over to your dresser. You had several framed photos of you and Ink. Sometimes Dream and Blue appeared, and sometimes you and your family. But in every photo it was you and Ink. You were never alone and never without him. You remembered teaching him about selfies and he was so confused!

Wait, that's it! A smile creeped over your lips as you stretched out your arm to grab some loose notebook paper, a pencil, and a hard flat surface. Or you could just use your chest, whichever's flatter. You then start scribbling down all the memories you had with Ink Andy circle the key ones that signify your relationship. You grin.

This was the greatest inspiration: Memories.

Again, a terrible oneshot. But this one's short! I'm so sorry!


Undertale Boiz OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora