Fun and Games [Nightmare x Reader]

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I kinda got inspired woth this dude majorly and stuff so expect lots of more morbid things... yeah.

You run as far as your legs can carry you, which isn't far. You're short of breath and your heart races inside of your chest. Pounding fear, but exaughstion was an illusion you were forced to abide by. You collapsed.

Behind you, a frightening figure chasing you. Slowly walking towards you. You try to scramble up to run again, but something is holding you down. Something slimy wraps around your ankles, holding you down to the ground. 

You sit up to look at what has you captured. Tendrils Of Black ooze coming from the ground, wrapping around you. Now the floor is covered in the ooze, and snakes of gooare snaking up your arms and snap you down.

Your chest rises and falls at the speed of your accelerated pulse, which was too quick to be humane. Your eyes wildly search around you. Blackness. Black ooze. Then you meet a singular cyan eye. The ooze now has its tentacles wrapped all around you and dragging you down.

You can see the creature that was chasing you. His legs gone and oozing with the ground as if this entire tar like substance had an origin, and it was him. Tentacles whipped out of his back and he had a menacing, Cheshire smile painted over his face.

Then, a glowing heart floats out of whatever remained of you thst wasn't covered to goo and then burnt like acid. The heart was (color) and it had several cracks in it. It quivered in the air before the creature, seemingly making it amused. 

The creature takes the heart and looks down at you with that menacing smile of his. He lets out a chuckle deeper than the bottom of the ocean And even more velvet than the red cake with the same name.

"Thank you for playing with me, my dear~"


You wake up with a start. Sitting up in your bed and looking around your room. You are breathing at a rapid face, in a cold and quantiful sweat. You wipe your forehead and your arm is drenched in perspiration.

You let out a deep sigh to try and calm yourself down. What was that? Whatever it was, it was absolutely terrifying and you never want to experience something as terrifying as that ever again in your life.

But sadly, these nightmares were reoccurring. There was no known start for these nightmares. There were no causes. There were no fears that anything was representing within the nightmares. They were impossible To decode and they simply existed just to exist.

You check the alarm clock again. It was only two thirty in the morning. For school you wanted to be uo around five because the bus comes around six. You want an hour to get ready, wake up, and be ready for the hellhole that is school.

You made sure your alarm was still set before calming yourself back down entirely. You flipped your blankets and pillows around so you won't be literally drowning in a pool of your own sweat, which was starting to get rather sticky. You definitely needed a shower. 

But later. You wanted every wink of sleep you could get.


Nightmare found the humans in this alternate universe amusing and Easy and fun to frighten. He could play with any two humans and both of them would have a different set of fears and have different complexities to try and scare them.

Fear was his favorite emotion. It gives him a sense of power. It gave him authority and allowed him to drag you wherever he pleases like the puppet master to the puppet. He could see where Error was coming from now.

Now, you were one of his favorite toys. You were always scared of being chased and disappearing without anyone knowing you were ever even there. So why not just play a fun little game every single night? A game where he always wins, you can never get away, and nobody is there to witness you sink into the ground? 

As he was about to leave your conscious for good, you were back into your dreaming. He chuckled. You couldn't get enough of him, huh? You came back for more every night. You never changed your sleep schedule. You just endured it. That's what made you so much more interesting than the average human. You could take it.

So since you were so robust, it was perfectly fine for him to have some fun and games, right? Let's see, knowing your normal routine for school you have about... two hours and thirty minutes left? He can work with that and make it seem like an eternity.

What kind of game should we play today? How shall he introduce himself this time? Whatever shall he do? Oh! He had the perfect idea. He can Thank Errors for the inspiration later. He can work with that fear of disappearing by kidnapping her and then playing with her however he wishes! Maybe he can give her a new fear. A fear that even comes with its own mental disorder.

A fear of rape.

That went really dark really fast!


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