Thirsty [CoffeeShop!Afterdeath]

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The first request when I come back is for BritneyZWolfie. Starbucks AU because I love me my Starbucks. Ready? It's showtime!

Reaper was just working his hours at Starbucks. Late shift tonight with Tania, a lesbian human who despises it when he flirts with her. It was all in good fun and she knew it. But there was a certain customer that made him want the later hours.

Every day for the past two weeks, a college student skeleton like him with a red scarf and a dorky outfit would sit at the bar and order a Trinta Green Iced Tea and open a book. He would stay there for hours. Normally, Reaper would flirt with him on the spot. Pansexual skeletons flirt with everybody after all. But he didn't.

Tania would tease him that he had a crush on the mystery college student. Reaper won't lie, he had an amazing figure. Yeah, har har to say a skeleton has good figure, but he does! Skeletons have different masses in bone marrow in certain places based on their skeletal type, and this guy had the Shakira hips that didn't lie. Was discord here? Because he felt like howling at the moon!

Today was the same, the muster student came in and ordered from Tania while he worked the drive through with another employee who quit her job at muffet's due to rough wages. He then caught his eyesockets on him. The spider girl have him a little nudge in his ribcage.

"Go talk to him."

Reaper gulped, or did whatever skeleton equivalent of the nervous action was. He glanced over at Tania, who took the sticker for his order and pressed it on his finger tip. The lesbian gave him a wink and took his headset, taking over for him. Both of these girls wanted him to be shot down, didn't they? Reaper sighed.

Geno, the cute skeleton that had Reaper's affections, was studying on the theory of light being both a wave and a particle. He was a Physics major, specifically Quantum Physics. He found that a while ago  he didn't remember exactly when, he found this the perfect and most relaxing place to study for whatever test he had. And it being exams week at his college he needed all the studying he can get.

Geno looked up he felt his drink being palced next to him. A nice, cold, refreshing green tea on a warm spring day was the perfect soothing drink to help his mind focus. He reached for the cup to take a sip but he accidentally touched bone. He looked to his right to see a skeleton who works at this Starbucks just staring at him until his jaw stretches into a smirk.

"Hey beautiful, how are you?"

Geno felt the other skeleton's hand go away. Geno looked at his cup and saw the sticker. It actually read beautiful. Wait, he didn't take his order. Was this a whole setup? Wait, what was going on? He felt his cheekbones flush with heat. No one ever calls him beautiful. They just call him a nerd, geek, dork, loser, you get the point.

"My name's Reaper. I just can't pry my eyesockets off of you, cutie. Mind filling me in on your name?"

The showering of pet names was making Geno really flustered. He felt like salpping him, but he didn't want to be mean and a stereotypical tsundere as Alphys called it back in class. Geno played with his hands to prevent himself from acting brashly. He looked in the other skeleton's eyesockets. He needed to play it safe and cool. He didn't even know this guy!

"It's not very gentleskeletonly to ask for someone's name without telling them their own first."

Touché. Reaper smirked. He's a smart Alec, but good thing he finds playing hard to get and witty remarks attractive. Besides, his hull skull was red. He didn't just look cute  he acted  other fudging adorable. Alright, he'll play his game. Up until he can get those digits and a date in the bag.

"The name's Reaper Death. Morbid name, I know. Can I get your name now sweetheart?"

Geno blushed hard. Not sweetheart. Anything but sweetheart. Oh god. But Geno was smiling like an idiot. He wasn't thinking that he would be taken advantage of or anything bad like normal. For once when someone's was flirting with him he felt like he had his undivded attention Andy he actually cared. This stranger was making him feel happy. It was great and at the same time weird. Fanfiction Logic everybody!

"My name is Geno After, it's a pleasure to meet you Reaper. Uh, can I, maybe, get your number?"

Reaper was shocked. This kawaii skeleton, Geno apparently, was asking him for his number? This had to be the best day ever. And the best scenario he could have imagined after talking to the cute customer. He glanced over to see Tania and Spider girl cheering and giving thumbs up and fangirling over his new "relationship". He just chuckled under his breath at both Geno and the girls.

"Of course, Baby Boy. Anything for you~"

Reaper reached for what looked like a napkin. Geno handed him a pen and in his neatest print handwriting he set down the numbers almost naturally. In all of Reaper's meaningless flirting, he never gave out his number. But when he is genuinely crushing he was the one giving him a number. This was the biggest score Reaper ever earned.

"There, sweetheart. Call me~"

With that, he gave the napkin to Geno and made sure to brush hands with him. He left the studying college student a flustered mess, trying but failing to get back into his book. Reaper went back to work.

Both skeletons knew the other was taking sneaky little peeks at them.

They knew.

Wow, that was... yeah still terrible. I'm sorry.


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