My Queen [Nightmare x Queen!Reader]

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Request for MusicellaTheBookNerd and she gave me some Bride of Discord/Beauty and the Beast/Lunacy Of Duke Venomania Flashbacks so I had a few ideas... MWEH HEH HEH storytime!

Looking back after I wrote this... I should probably put a major trigger warning on this. You know, since I can never write a fluff with this guy anymore and all. 

You walk in your dress around the dreary castle you were confined to. An electric collar around your neck, ready to set off whenever you went outside of the area you were permitted around here, which wasn't very much. Your dress was large, fit for a woman of the eighteen hundreds of the real world. You're hair always done perfectly pretty. You were like a doll. A toy to everyone.

You looked around for one of the other skeletons, similar to your master. He was the slace owner, and you were the slave. What kind of slave? His wife. You managed to befriend one of his little companions and he wasn't even here right Now. Apparently he had a mission in another alternate universe. That left you with no allies within the castle. 

Your hand reaches up to your neck, to feel around. Lots of bite marks, intentions, bruises  cuts, scabs, and dried up blood remained on your skin. No matter how much makeup you put on to over it, it always shown with all the abuse you were given. Your master gave up on trying to hide it, and in turned began to embrace it.

You weren't just a sex Slave anymore.

That's when you walked before your Master. He was dripping in black goo, tentacles spread out. He was smirking down at you and his one cyan eye looked through the fiber of whatever's humane being was left I sides of that shell he called his queen. 

"There is my Queen. I want a dance."

He ordered. You knew better than to disobey someone with such control over your life, your sense of pain, and your life. He held out his hand , demanding a waltz. Why would someone like him want something so.... romantic? You hadn't no choice, you had to take his hand.

He twirled you around sharply, pressing your back against him entirely. His tentacles whipped out and grabbed you. One around your mouth, one around your breasts, one around your waist, and one around that special spit between your legs.

"The kind of dance that makes you scream in agony."

Of course. You had to assume he meant a waltz. His tentacles squeezed you hard, making you exclaim out. The pressure constricting your body was nothing compared to what he had the power to do, but it still would surprise you every time. Besides... if you don't scream...

"Good, scream for me my queen."

One tentacles moved up to your neck and another moved all the way up to your mouth, shoving itself down your throat causing it to hurt. The goo justness made the inside of your esophagus throb as you tried to cough him out, but he stayed put. Is other two tentacles started rubbing all of over you, knowing the sensation of his tar like substance felt like molasses or glue on your legs and body and you absolutely hated it. Your mistake of thinking he'd stop thst first time.


You tried to scream, call for help, but you couldn't. It was muffled by his tentacles. Plus the constant screaming started making your voice lose more and more by the exclaim. He then took one of his remainging tentacles and wrapped it around the to your bottom, soankimg you while he wrapped one around your neck. It would leave a pressure mark for a while. You tried to choke it all out and away, oh tried to scream. But no. All of this prevented sound. And the master, the king, certainly wasn't happy about it.

"I said scream"

The took the tentacle out of your mouth, allowing you to gasp in for air. It left your throat scratchy and burning, but it was better than having it in there. But it came at a price. He squeezed tighter and held you up, like as if you were on a noose. He then took two tentacles and stretched your arms out as far as they couldn't go without snapping, causing you to yell out in pain.

"That's more like it."

The negative emotion coming from you, thst negative energy just harnessed within you would only be let out with verbal screaming. And it was the most delectable feelings he's ever eaten. Nightmare became addicted to that taste, that satisfaction, that noise. He became addicted to thst scream. He needed more of it. More every single day. His own under, greed, and lust consuming him. He had no care for his queen, only for the scream from those vocal chords of hers. He stretched her arms fsther and squeezed her neck more. He called for help, but nobody would come. Nobody dared tried to stop the Nightmare from what he wanted.

"Louder. Scream louder or I will tentacle fuck you."

You yelped, not wanting that. He let your neck go, but again it came at a price. His remains two tentacles went for your legs, hurried under thst dress. He pulled all four of your limbs out like a starfish. You screamed bloody murder, as hard as you could; as loud as you could. 

Nightmare finally showed you mercy, he was satisfied. He threw you down onto the ground. That's what always symbolized that he was done with you. He had his smirk back in place and his eye was balcony to normal. He retracted his tentacles. 

On the floor, you grabbed your neck. The inside was throbbing and burning, the outside was Sore. Your limbs ached, ecspecially at the joints. You looked up at your master weekly. With a monsotone, deep voice he growled out:

"You are dismissed, My Queen."

Yeah that was pretty messed up... it's nightmare what did you expect from me!? I know it's bad.... sorry.


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