Ship Fic [Freshberry]

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This is one of the weirdest ships I've heard of but hey, who am i to judge? Request numbers ine Fire KillerKat4 so let's get it goin.

Fresh fell into the new world that had summoned him, the fanfiction world. His spine hit the ground with a loud thud, the rest of his skeletal system falling with him. He groaned and tried to sit up. But something else falling on top of him prevented him from doing so. He coughed as the large weight thuds against his stomach.

Blueberry landed against something soft, but it didn't stop of the impact of landing again in another ship fanfiction. He wondered who on earth these fangirls paired him with this time. Error? Classic? Dream? Ink? Lust? Dust? Fell? Who knows who he was paired with. He just rolled over on the ground and looked up st the setting of the fanfiction he was forced to be in.

Fresh felt the weight move off of his stomach and felt the ground gain a new weight to his left. He turned his skull and saw underswap sans. Blueberry. That was very odd and new. He had never been paired with someone like him before. It's always paperjam, Ink, or Error. Maybe the occasional reader. But never was he paired up with someone who's AU was just a different scenario or scheme to the original.


Blueberry looked over his way. He sighed in relief. Good, it wasn't one of the evil Sanses. He'd take Fresh over Dust, Lust, or Error any day. Besides, the writer won't make him be raped or fucked by Fresh, would they?

"Oh, hey Fresh!"

Blueberry sat up. It looked like a peaceful setting. He didn't know where he was supposed to be, but it was a peaceful setting. White fluffy clouds, bright blue sky, gentle breeze in his bandana, grassy green grass, a singular large oak tree. A very serene place, and very vivid. This author must have great imagery skills.

"This place looks kinda cool, don't you think?"

Fresh sat up, taking a look around himself. It was very peaceful and the colors were vivid.  That meant this author had description on point. But there was nobody else here. They mustn't be lacking in plot development and must be in it solely for the characters and the ship.

"Yeah Broseph, radical."

It seems the author hadn't started writing their interactions yet, so The has had some time to look around and talk to others. The only two people in this scene, in this chapter, were Fresh and Blueberry. Fresh stood up and so did the smaller Sans. 

"Yo, Blue. You know how there have been a lot of Sancest fics recently, Yeah? Which pairing is your favorite."

Blueberry looked down. Who did he like being paired up with the most? Well, being with Ink and Dream was always fun. They were his friends! Plus they always went on adventures and now had a grande old time! Then there's classic. He wasn't paired with Classic much, but he always did enjoy his company. It had the nostalgic feeling of being with his brother only more. A deeper connection. A better connection. 

"Dream or Classic. What about you?"

Was there even a contest for Fresh? Sure, Ink was real nice and Error could be cool and reformed when he wanted to be. But Jammy always had that place in his 'heart'. Paperjam was the only skeleton who made this parasite feel like he was in love. Plus it's the most common one for him. Hands down, landslide decision.


Blueberry nodded. Then the script of how the whole story was going to be planned appeared before them. Everything they needed to do, everything they needed to say, straight from the author's mind. They have until the author begins typing to me pmorize this and prepare before their bodies magically do it for them, like a puppet on strings.

Blueberry skimmed to the middle, because that's where everything always escalates. He smiled in relief when it wasn't a fluff and it wasn't just the two of them sitting under a tree, liking sbiut things and enjoying time together. He'd rather do this with classic or Dream, but this worked too.

Fresh flipped to the end, unlike blueberry. He always though the end was where fanfiction authors made the biggest moment. He groaned internally when he saw he had to kiss Blueberry on the teeth and then frenchify that kiss. Great. Tongue kissing. Fun. He looked over at blueberry, who seemed relieved this was all they were doing. Right, he's always paired with dust and lust and fell, isn't he? This must be a break for him.

"Ready to start rolling, broski?"

Blueberry looked at Fresh, who was smiling kindly at him. Blueberry nodded as he felt control of his own body go to waste as the fanfiction began to take over and start playing with him and Fresh like a little girl with a Barbie doll.

Aaaaaaand that was bad. I'm so sorry. Longer, but bad. Ugh.


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