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Request by RibbonGeno and I will be honest. I have literally no clue what the heck this means. I tried lol.

So this is where the rest of your species went off to. Being the child of a human and a Lamia both you were labeled as a monster to both speciesises. But now, you returned back to the Lamia after being completely fed up at being the monkey in the human's experiments.

You slithered into the Tribe, but you go weird looks from all the Lamia. As you expected. Maybe there will be one who will trust you and help you fit in around here. Oh, speak of such a Lamia and he appears.

"HELLO FELLOW LAMIA! Wait, you don't look entirely Lamia... ARE YOU A HYBRID!?"

He had stars in his eyesockets, apparently inspired or something by hoe you were different. Thst was a welcome change. You nodded and he started beaming. He took your hand all of the sudden. Wait, what?


'Hybrid' is better than 'Monster' as a name, you suppose. You have to slither very, very face to keep up with the hyperactive blue Lamia. He isn't much older than you based on his appearance, so you wondered how he could be this strong and fast.


He suddenly took a sharp turn, causing your tail to become tied for a second before you straighten your long, snake like body back out again and keep slithering. Just keep slithering, slithering, slithering. STOP!!!

You run into the smaller, hyperactive Lamia's back when he suddenly stops. You regain your composure and he let's go of your hand. He slithers up to a larger, orange, older, and somewhat appearing lazier Lamia.


The Lamia awoke from his nap and looked at you groggily. He sat up and slithered in front of you. He was much taller than you, and very very much taller than the first Lamia who slithered you all the way here.

"You're right. Great Job Sans. I'll deal with them just like the others."

The smaller Lamia, apparently named Sans, got an affectionate head pat from his brother before slithering off to go play some game or something. You were scared. Deal with you? Just like the others?!

"Now, Hybrid. Tell me your name."

You are scared to speak. You are trembling in your own skin. You feel like the snake half of you would melt out of stress. You look in his eyesockets, faking your own confidence. But that just ensured him even further that you were afriad.

"(Y-your name)."

He nodded. He held out his hand, expecting you to take it as if you coudlnt slither on your own. The only reason you held his friend's hand is because he dragged you here. You sighed and took his hand. Thankfully, he started slithering slow.

"Well, (Your name). How does it feel to be an abomination?"

You didn't speak. You didn't reply. You weren't an abomination... were you? No, you were just a hybrid. You were just a hybrid. Just the product of a human fucking a half skeleton half snake. There was nothing abomanational about that. Then he let out a now chuckle.

"Nyeh heh. Right, I forgot you had different names now. I meant to ask how it feels to be a hybrid? I hear they mature at the same rate as humans and have mortality like humans, yet have the powers we Laima have."

So he didn't mean it as offense. Was there one time you were unaware of that called your kind abominations as a name? Wait, go back a second. You weren't of the first generation of your kind either?!

"Nyeh heh, that further proves my point. You must be unaware. We keep the aboma- I mean hybrids, at the other side of the tribe because they have mortality and we don't want any of us purebred Laima experiencing that kind of death. Regular Laima die peacefully and don't get hurt too easily. Since most of you carry mostly human traits, you get hurt often and are somewhat More hostile than us. And before you ask, i know this because im in charge of looking for Hybrids nearby. So Is my brother Sans."

Oh, that makes sense. He stops slithering so you do as well. There's a giant gate in front of you both. He knocks on the door and whispers a secret word to the Laima on the other side before having the gate open and looking back at you.

"Have fun, Hybrid."

With that, he started slithering away. That left you to enter the gist and never see him or his brother again. You paused for a moment until doing what you were told and slithering through the gate to your new life.

I'm sorry if I was wrong! I needed a plot somehow and thought of this! Don't kill me plz!


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