"Well, I mean, it is true you haven't had a boyfriend since Liam, innit?" She asks.

"Oh...yeah they are." I say, laughing awkwardly.

"I know what it's like to have a bad experience with boys." She says, walking towards me.


"But Tom really saved my idea of men." She laughs.

"He's good like that." I say, feeling myself crack, I turn back to the dishes.

"Listen," Gi says, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I have a friend from school. He's kinda in the same boat as you. He just moved out to London and he's working on music. Hasn't been on a date in ages. He's so kind and would never do anything like Liam." She says.


"I could set it up." She smiles.

"I appreciate it Gi." I smile. "But I don't need to go on a date, you know? I have friends and...I'm happy." I say.

"I know it's just-" She stops, and looks shocked.

"What?" I ask.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. Have I offended you?" She asks.

"What? No, why would you?"

"Well..." She looks around. "If you're not interested in boys...that's okay."

"What?" I ask. "No...Gi...I like guys and I have gone on dates. I just don't want any of the boys making fun of me." I laugh.

"Oh! That's wonderful! They won't! Come tell them!" She says.

"What? No!" I say, as she drags me out to the living room.

"Guys!" Gi announces as we get out to the room. All the boys look at us. "Lilly has been on dates, she didn't want you gits to take the mick out of her."

"Really?" Harry asks skeptically.

"Yeah...really?" Danny asks, clearly confused, for reasons I only knew.

"Uh...yeah." I say.

"Well go on." Tom says.

"Go on?" I question.

"Give us a name!" He laughs.

"Oh...right...well..." Think Lilly, think! Suddenly, it hits me. "Derek."

"Derek?" Harry asks, clearly impressed.

"Derek?" Dougie asks, clearly angry.

"Yeah." I say. The rest of the evening, Harry, Tom, Izzy and Gi questioned me on the made up man.

Finally, it got late and we all decided to leave.

"Thanks so much." I smile at Izzy and Harry, as Dougie and I stand by the door.

"Of course!" Izzy smiles. "Are you too leaving together?" She motions between Dougie and I.

"Oh, n-" I begin.

"Yes, I'm taking Lilly home in my car." Dougie says, grabbing my arm and leading me out.

"Say hi to Derek for us!" Harry says.

"Oh she will!" Dougie calls back, as he walks next door to his house, and while they think we were getting in the car, we just went inside.

Dougie closed the door and looked back at me, as I stood in front of him, with my arms wrapped around myself. I'd never seen him so mad.

"Whose Derek?" He asks.

"You really wanna know?" I ask.

"Yeah. I do." He says.

"He's a doctor on an American TV show." I say.


"I made it up." I say.

"You did?"

"Yes!" I say. "I just did it so they would all leave me alone."

"I thought you didn't care." He asks, still skeptical.

"I didn't until Gi tried to set me up with her friend."

"Why would she do that?" He asks.

"Cause she doesn't know we're dating!" I remind him. He sighs.

"It would be easier if they all knew." He says. I sigh and suddenly think about how it's our anniversary. I walk towards him, put my hands on the sides of his face, and kiss him.

"Soon." I say, looking up at him, with my hands still on his face. He smiles a little. "I love you. Happy anniversary." I say, kissing him again, lightly.


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