58: Taylor

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  V: "Mommy what about daddy?"
  "You can see him later."
  V: "No, I want to stay with daddy!"
  V: "No I always listen to you I want daddy."
  "Victoria you can see him later."
  Victoria started hitting me causing a sence. Everyone took their attention off of the six in the room and down to me and Victoria.
  V: "I don't want to run away anymore, you can go but I want to stay with daddy!"
  I saw them start to come out of the room. Everyone stared at the two of us. Logan came downstairs and picked her up. She cuddled into his chest. I knew when she was born that she was going to be a daddy's girl. But Logan was to busy to be able to take care of her. Emilio took a step closer to me, not sure if he should come over and comfort me or not.  When I didn't react he wrapped his arms around me.
  L: "Victoria it's probably best that you go with mommy."
  V: "I don't want to!"
  L: "Mads you and I both know I can't take care of her, I am to busy dealing with everything going on in my life, she'd be with a babysitter more than she would be with me."
  I didn't know how to respond he was right. Victoria clug onto him. It broke my heart knowing that she couldn't be with him. Our two years old daughter knew what she wanted and was determined to get it.
  V: "Daddy please, I can be quiet and stay out of your way."
  L: "Victoria, you have to stay with mommy."
  V: "Why do you not love me?"
  L: "Of course I love you sweetheart, but don't you think mommy would be upset without you?"
  V: "Of course she would but she has Emilio now."
  Logan was now on the floor with Victoria. I pulled away from Emilio and got onto the floor with them.
  "Victoria do you think because I am with someone that I won't love you just the same."
  V: "No I know you'll still love me but it makes daddy sad to see you with someone else. Daddy needs someone to show him love too."
  I looked at Logan, remembering what he told me a year ago. The decision of which guy to pick was difficult for me and picking over Logan made it even more difficult. But my heart was just pulling me towards Emilio. I understood that having your parents separated from each other was difficult but Victoria was taking it in a different way.
  L: "Victoria why would you think that?"
  V: "You just seem so lonely, daddy."
  L: "Victoria I am okay."
  "Victoria honey just because I choose not to be with your dad doesn't mean I don't love him."
  Victoria looked down, I looked up at Emilio. She walked back over to Logan and hugged him again. I got up and went over to Emilio. I didn't know what to do in this situation, I had done pretty good as a mom for the past two years but this was the first time I felt hopeless. My phone rang, I looked down.
  "I am sorry I have to take this."
  I walked outside answering my phone.
  "Hey Taylor."
  "Hey we gotta film our music video, can  you come in tomorrow."
  "Um that depends on if I get my problem with Victoria fixed, um I will try."
  "Okay great, I am sorry you're having a problem with you daughter."
  "Okay thank you, bye."
  I hung up and put my hand to my head. I didn't know if I could even handle going back inside. I walked back inside, Victoria still attached to Logan. But Pam and Greg had come downstairs.
  I: "Maddie?"
  I: "Umm..."
  "Why don't you guys just go."
  E: "I am sorry baby, I guess I should have let you get some sleep last night."
  "You're fine Emi."
  E: "Can you come over tomorrow?"
  "As much as I would love to I have to go to a business meeting."
  E: "That's okay, I love you."
  "I love you too."
  I hugged Emilio and Ivan and then kissed Emilio. I watched them leave. When they were out the door I turned back around. Everybody had gone back to what they were doing as if nothing had happened. Logan walked over with Victoria. She was back to her happy self.
  V: "Mommy?"
  V: "Who were you on the phone with?"
  "No one."
  V: "Was it that pretty lady."
  V: "Sorry mommy."
  L: "Mads just go get some sleep, your exhausted."
  "Like I am going to get any sleep here, besides I have to work."
   L: "Mads don't push yourself over the edge."
  J: "Maddie can you help me with something?"
  "Sure Jake."
  L: "Mads come on..."
  "Loges I am not pushing myself I am fine."
  L: "You always say your fine, when are you going to be happy."
  "I don't know. What do you need me to do Jake?"
  J: "Never mind."
  "Okay, I am gonna go then."
  J: "Where?"
  "I have a couple of meetings to go to."
  V: "Oh mommy can I come?"
  "I thought you wanted to stay with daddy?"
  V: "Well I changed my mind, I like going to your meetings! Please mommy!"
  L: "Victoria, you should give your mom a break."
  "It's fine Logan, you can come Victoria."
  I picked her up and left the house before the two could say anything else to me.

Maddison PaulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang