60: Logan

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After spending a couple of hours with Jake and Erika they were called to a meeting. So I drove them back to the team ten mansion and they left to go to their meeting giving me the chance to pack Victoria and I's stuff into my car.
V: "Where are we going mommy?"
"Well I found us somewhere to live for a little while, while we find a house to live in."
V: "Really no more Jake's house?"
"Victoria why don't you like your uncle Jake."
V: "I don't know, I just don't."
"Okay then why don't we go to daddy's house for a little bit?"
V: "Yeah!"
I drove to Logan's house. Logan came out and helped me get Victoria out of the car and noticed our bags.
L: "Mads I didn't expect you to come over today."
"Well Victoria wanted to see you and I thought we might as well. You and I haven't really gotten a chance to talk for a long time."
L: "No we haven't. I like what you did with your hair it's actually really nice."
"Thanks Loges."
L: "Well come inside." We walk inside and Logan sets Victoria down, Kong comes running in and licking Victoria's face. I went and sat down on his couch. "Maddie are you planning on leaving again?"
"Oh definitely not, it's just I feel like I am in Jake's way and a friend offered for me to stay with her, she at least has a couple spare rooms."
L: "Okay."
"Loges I am not going to leave again it may not seem like it but it was difficult for me to make that decision."
L: "It's fine Mads, everyone was pressuring you to be with them. You needed to get away."
"Not everyone, Emilio was pushing me to sleep with you and Anthony."
L: "Mads I know your gonna be upset with me saying this but are you sure that you want to go back to that, I mean you weren't happy."
"I mean that's what my heart wants but at the same time my heart is pushing me towards you."
L: "Well I told you that I feel I belong to you so, if you and Emilio don't work out again then I am here."
I looked over at Victoria playing with Kong. Logan had joined me sitting next to me on the couch. I sighed, I honestly didn't know who I actually wanted to be with but I couldn't stand feeling so alone in Spain. I moved closer to Logan, laying my head on his chest.
"I know Logan, it's just I am scared, I don't know who I want to be with. Both you and Emilio seem so perfect."
L: "You shouldn't be scared to love someone Maddie. Especially when it's me and Emilio. You know we both love you."
Victoria stopped playing with Kong and came over crawling on our lap. Kong came over and hopped up then layed down next to me.
"It's not that I scared to love you, it's the fact that I am scared to loose you, eventually you'll get tired of not having sex Logan. Eventually you'll find that you deserve better."
L: "There isn't anyone better than you Maddie trust me, I have tried and I can't even find someone who comes as close as you."
V: "Mommy?"
"Yes sweetheart?"
V: "Where are we going to live?"
"If I tell you, you promise not to tell Jake?"
V: "Why would I tell Jake?"
"Fair point, Taylor offered for us to live with her."
L: "When did you get a friend named Taylor?"
"The awards show, I meet her during that."
L: "So about a year ago?"
L: "Is that where you were?"
"I guess so I mean I also talked to Alissa and Banks."
V: "Who's Alissa and Banks?"
"Victoria it's good that you don't know who they are, they aren't good people."
L: "I agree with that statement."
"Okay, your the one who kissed Alissa to get back at Jake."
L: "He shouldn't have fucked with the Logang."
"Yeah and then I couldn't come and visit you guys because you guys were fighting and trying to make me pick a side."
L: "We both know that you would have picked my side."
"No I wouldn't because you both just went at each other."
L: "Mhmm okay."
He moved trying to get comfortable. I grabbed onto Victoria and sat up so he could get comfortable. He wrapped his arm around me and then pulled me back into his chest.
LK: "Hey Logan I got you your... Oh sorry was I interrupting something?"
"No not at all Lydia."
LP: "Victoria are you hungry?"
V: "Yes."
LP: "Lydia, could you possibly take Victoria to get something to eat?"
LK: "Um sure. Uh would you like to go to Chuck E Cheese's, Victoria?"
V: "Oh yeah that sounds like fun!"
LK: "Okay, but Logan you have to come get your stuff that you had me go get out of my car."
LP: "Okay."
Logan got up and left the room.
Lk: "Maddie he hasn't been himself since you left."
"What do you mean?"
LK: "Logan really took it hard you leaving and not talking to him for a year."
"I took it hard too, I won't be leaving again."
LP: "Okay it's out of your car."
"Lydia you can take my car. You don't have a car seat in your car." I handed her my keys and she picked Victoria and left. I sat back down on Logan's couch. He came over and sat back down next to me. "Loges are your roommates home?"
L: "No why?" I looked into his eyes and climbed onto his lap. "Maddie..."
"I thought you didn't want to do this anymore."
"I thought I didn't either."
"Mads what about Emilio."
"What about Victoria."
"If that's why you want to sleep with me then..."
"Loges I didn't mean it like that, I wouldn't want to sleep with you because of our daughter."
"Are we even sure she is mine? For all we know she could actually be Emilio's."
"Logan she has your hair and your eyes, she is yours, what do you not want her to be yours."
"Of course I want her to be mine but."
He stopped, I knew why. I moved away from him. I decided to tell him the secret I had been keeping from everyone.
"Logan I have to tell you something."
"Okay what is it?"
"You can't tell anyone, not even dad, Victoria doesn't even know."
"Maddie what is it?"
"I had another baby in Spain."
"What? Who's is it?"
"Either Chance's or Anthony's. I have to go back soon and bring her home I just don't know if I can break the news to Emilio."
"Who has the baby."
"Emilio and Ivan's mom."
"Have you talked to Chance or Anthony?"

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