9: Blood

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A month later
I woke up in my bed alone. Yesterday the twins released their video on Jake, I watched it and cried. Jake had been trying to get ahold of me all day and night. Trying to figure out what is going on. But I promised Emilio that I would be on his side. He hasn't been in America for a few days, since he got deported but he hadn't come and seen me when he had come back to America to surprise team ten. He had ended up flying to New York to see Jake. It upset me and I was starting to get confused between the two of us.
I got up and looked at my phone he hadn't called me. I sighed and then picked my phone up. I typed in Emilio's number and waited he wasn't answering. I shook my head and got out of bed. Looking down at my tattoo, wondering if it was a good idea. It had to be right, I mean we're married. There was a knock on my door I rolled out of bed and grabbed my robe putting it on before opening the door. Jake was standing looking like he hadn't slept in days or weeks even. He hugged me.
"You were right Maddison, I am sorry I should have changed the way I was acting when you told me too. Are the twins here?"
"No, Emilio isn't even answering my calls. I don't know what is going on." Lie I knew this was happening but I didn't know that they were going to go that hard or that Emilio was going to start to ignore me.
"I am sorry Maddie, I don't know how you feel about this or anything."
"Jake I haven't seen my husband for months, I am just hoping that they can come home safe. But until they say that they want to talk to you, I think you should give them space."
"And what about you Maddie?"
"I don't know, right now."
"Are you mad at me?"
"I am not but..."
"I get it I am gonna go I have a long shoot day today."
"Bye Jake, try to feel better."
"I will I hope that you will get a call from him."
My phone rings, I look down and see that it's Ivan. Not Emilio but close enough they would be with each other.
"Maddie! How you feeling?"
"Good when are you guys coming back home?"
"We don't know yet."
"Can I speak to Emilio?"
"Umm he isn't here."
"What do you mean you two are always together."
"Well not today, he left last night with Ruben and they haven't come back yet."
"Okay I got to go then bye Ivan." I sat down on my couch and put my hands in my face. "Emilio would never do anything like that, is he cheating on me?"
Azul hopped up onto my lap. I stroked her fur, which resulted in her rolling over for me to rub her belly. I sat there for awhile rubbing her stomach before getting up to take her to the bathroom. When I came back into my apartment I started to cook some food. I finished and sat down to eat. Taking a few bites and then feeling the sudden urge to throw up. I ran to my bathroom. When I threw up blood, I started to worry. Was I poisoned? Who would want to hurt me? I calmed myself down and grabbed my phone quickly texting Logan and Jake, my vision had started to go blurry. Then I passed out.
Logan's POV
I was vlogging for my channel when I got the text from Maddie.
Maddie: Logan I need help! I can't really see and I am...
Logan: Your what Maddie?
No response. I waited a few minutes before I started to get worried. Then Jake called.
"Logan you have to go check on Maddie! She won't answer my calls and I can't really leave."
"I am at the airport and hours away from LA. I can't do anything Jake."
"Shit, she didn't look well this morning I should have asked. Damn it I am calling the police."
"What do you mean?"
"She didn't look like herself, she looked really off. I don't know how to explain it I just need to make sure she is okay!"
"Okay I will send Lydia over to check on her, don't call the police yet."
I quickly texted Lydia asking her to go check in on Maddie. Then I had to turn my phone off because I was boarding my plane. The whole time worrying that Maddie was hurt or worse dead.
Lydia's POV
I got to Maddie's house and knocked on the door. When there was no answer I opened the door and looked around. Azul was whinning and scratching on the bathroom door. I opened it and found Maddie passed out on the ground her phone in her hand. I looked into the toilet and saw a blood. When I looked closer at Maddie she had blood coming from her mouth. I quickly called the police and tried waking her up, she was bearly breathing.
The ambulance got there and took her away. I called Jake knowing that Logan was on a plane back to LA. He would be here in a few hours.
"Jake, Maddie is going to the hospital."
"Has anyone contacted Emilio?"
"No why would we?"
"He is her husband!"
"I don't have his number and he wouldn't answer you or Logan."
"Ugh your right, umm you have her phone right?"
"Yeah it's right here."
"Okay her password is Logan's birthday, once you get in call Ivan."
"Okay but I thought that Emilio was her husband."
"He is but I heard her talking to Ivan which means that Ivan will answer."
"Okay, I will call you back."
"No I am going to the hospital, have you notified Logan?"
"No he is on a plane right now. I will tell him as soon as he calls me."
"Okay. Bye."
Jake hung up. I tried her password and got in Immediately ignoring the photo of her and Logan as her background and went to her contacts.

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