12: Make Your Decision

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I picked up my phone and called Emilio, heartbroken when I heard a girl answer his phone.
"Hello? Who is this?"
"I could ask the same. I am Maddison."
"Oh I have heard a lot about you! Your Ivan's girlfriend right? I am Emilio's girlfriend, I can't wait to meet you, when are you coming to Spain?"
"Emilio's girlfriend? How long have you been dating?"
"A year, Emilio is a great guy."
"Mmm well I can't wait to meet you either I will be coming to visit soon! But um don't tell the twins I want it to be a surprise maybe you could be there when I come, it would be lovely to meet you!"
"Oh yeah of course I will give you my number!" She tells me her phone number and her name. I say goodbye and hang up the phone. I melt into Logan's chest. He holds onto me not really sure what had just happened. The doctor comes in.
"Is everything alright Mrs.Martinez?"
"Yeah, just when is the soonest that I could leave and could I travel to Spain?"
Logan: "Maddie?"
Doctor: "Well I am not sure, but in a day or two and yeah it will probably be better if your with your husband. I could try to get you outta here today but you would be exhausted, we have to take some blood."
"That's fine Logan could take me to Spain, and I could sleep on the plane."
Doctor: "Okay I will be right back I have to talk my nurses."
"Okay thank you!"
Logan: "What is going on Maddie?"
"Emilio has been cheating on me for a year."
Logan: "What!"
"Yeah you can come to Spain with me right?"
Logan: "Yeah but I would have to go home and film a video quickly."
"Okay you do that and then I will call you to come and get me. I need to deal with this problem, and Jake can watch Azul."
Logan: "Sounds like a plan!"
A few Hours Later
Logan and I are on a flight to Spain. My body should be exhausted but it was filled with adrenaline. I didn't explain to Jake the whole Emilio cheating on me thing. We simply told Jake that I needed to go to Emilio and be with Emilio for awhile. Jake wasn't really happy about it but took Azul and we were off. We arrived in Spain and were at the twins house within a few hours. I had dressed up a little slutty basically I was wearing my lingerie and a pair of shorts with some heels, not the best idea.
"Oh Maddie you've made me super horny."
"I know Logan but your gonna have to wait, don't worry I already booked us a hotel for the night before you have to go back to America."
"Mmm fine."
We arrived at the house and I got out and went knocking on the door. The girl answered.
"Oh wow, Emilio said you were pretty but man he didn't say that you were this pretty. Who's that?"
"Oh this is my brother. We have come to visit the twins."
"I know! It's really nice to meet you! Emilio! Ivan! There's someone here for you!"
Emilio and Ivan come running downstairs. I see the life drain out of Emilio's eyes. Ivan gets excited and then realizes what's going down.
Ivan: "Maddie what are you doing here?"
"I am here to visit you silly. My wonderful, faithful boyfriend!"
I walk in and hug Ivan kissing his cheek. Logan walking in standing behind me. "Wow Maddie get all dressed up for me?"
"Who would I get all dressed up for, Ivan?"
Emilio: "Maddie can we talk?"
"No, we can't but Ivan baby, I need to tell you something."
Ivan: "But first why is Logan here?"
"Mmm he is making sure I got to Spain safely he is staying in Spain for the day and then tomorrow he fly's back to America. I am going to stay in a hotel tonight with him and then tomorrow I am all yours."
Ivan: "Oh okay what do you have to tell me?"
"Oh you might want to sit down."
Ivan: "Sit down? I think I will just stand."
"Okay, here it goes. Umm I am pregnant."
I turn to see Emilio's reaction. While Emilio's girlfriend's eyes are on Ivan. His soul draining out of him.
Emilio: "How could you be pregnant when Ivan has been in Spain for months."
"Well Ivan you know I had gotten drunk and slept with someone right?"
Ivan: "Yeah? Your saying the baby might not be mine?"
"Yeah I am so sorry, but I am hoping that it's yours!"
Ivan: "Even if it isn't, I would still be happy to father the child, it's a part of you Maddie and I will love it because it is a part of you."
"Oh Ivan, how did I get so lucky as to have you!"
Emilio: "Alexandrea can you leave?"
Alexandrea: "Sure I will see you tomorrow babe!"
He waits until he hears her car turn on and it pull out of the driveway and then comes up to me pressing his lips up to mine.
"Who did you sleep with?"
"That's none of your business when you have been cheating on me for a fucking year!"
"Babygirl, I didn't think that it would get serious."
"You shouldn't have cheated on me, Emi! Serious or not, that never should have happened and then you don't even tell me before we got married and your still fucking her!"
"Maddie calm down, I love you I will break up with her tomorrow and come clean to her. Please I want you!"
"I don't want you anymore, once a cheater always a cheater!"
"But what if that baby is mine?"
"Then it will grow up with a mother and not a father."
"Who's baby could it be?"
"I am not telling you that! You don't deserve to know."
"Maddie please I want to be with you! Don't throw away two years!"
"Ha I am the one throwing away two years. That's so funny! No you threw that away."
"Maddie what can I do? I don't want you to leave me!"
"Come back to America and get rid of that bitch of a manager preventing you from coming back."
"I can't do that."
"Then there's nothing that you can do. I am going to go to the hotel and I will be back tomorrow. Have your mind made up by tomorrow."
I grab my phone and walk out. Logan following close behind. We arrive at the hotel thirty minutes later. I throw off the shorts as soon as we get into the hotel room. Logan shutting and locking the door behind us.

Maddison PaulWhere stories live. Discover now