39: First Boyfriend

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A: "Where are you going Maddie?"
"Away, I need a break from all of you at the moment."
E: "Love please!"
It crushed my heart to keep walking away from them. I wasn't in any shape to be running but I started to pick up my pace, I need to get away. That's when I ran into him. I stopped in my tracks, my first boyfriend was standing in front of me. He stared at me for awhile and the group caught up with me. Emilio walked over putting his hands on my hip. Instinct took over my body.
L: "Emilio I would step away from Maddie right now."
Emilio did as Logan said still confused. I slapped my first boyfriend. He put his hand to his face.
"What are you doing here!"
C: "Maddie what are you talking about I was just coming to visit my mom."
"Bull! Stop lying to me!"
C: "I have never lied to you!"
L: "Maddie calm down."
"Shut up Logan. We need to talk, alone."
C: "Fine, come on."
He grabs my hand starts walking away. "Hold on a second and don't touch me." I pull my hand away and walk over to Emilio. "I will be right back love." I kiss his cheek and then follow Callum. I look behind us to make sure they aren't following. "What do you want from me?"
C: "Okay you caught me, but I was only gonna take her for a little bit."
"And what hurt my daughter! What is it that you want from me!"
C: "I want something from Jake."
"And what is that?"
C: "Him dead."
"You're lunatic! You're not gonna kill my brother!"
C: "I could just go visit your daughter."
"Don't you touch her!"
C: "Then you keep your mouth shut and I will leave you and everyone except Jake alone, got it Maddison."
"Okay fine."
C: "Good girl."
I watch as he walks away getting in his car and drives off. I calm myself down and go back over to my family. I look at the time. It's 3pm I have to leave in a couple of hours.
E: "Maddie, you alright honey?"
"Umm yep. I am perfectly fine. I better go get my stuff from Anthony's house."
L: "Did you..."
A: "No she didn't. She left and went to Emilio."
E: "You were going to weren't you."
"To be honest, if Jake didn't show up we would have. I am sorry I got caught up in the moment but I understand if you're mad at me for that."
E: "No come here honey." I walked over to him and he pulled me into a hug. I let my tears fall down my face I was scared but felt so hopeless. I couldn't say anything or else my baby could end up dead. I hugged him tighter. "What's wrong Maddie?"
"Um I can't tell you."
E: "Why?"
"I just can't."
E: "Maddie please."
I pull away and look at them, their all worried. I closed my eyes and then walked back towards the doors to the hospital. I got inside and found the doctor.
D: "Maddie what are you doing back here I thought that..."
"When can I take my baby home?"
D: "Tomorrow is the soonest that you could bring her home but you'd have to name her."
"Okay, I need you to do me a favor, don't let anyone except for me, in to see her anymore and please watch over her."
D: "Maddison what's wrong?"
"Someone is threatening my baby's life."
D: "What why?"
"Because of Jake. I will tell you more later after I get her out of here."
D: "Well if you're in that situation then maybe I can make a acception. Let me just go check on somethings." I nod and wait she comes back with my baby and hands her to me. "Okay as long as you come back tomorrow for us to check up on her quickly then you should be good to go."
"Thank you so much." I walk out the door finding Anthony standing there. He looks at me wide eyed when he sees the baby. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. "Can you grab my phone out of my pocket please?"
A: "Um yeah."
He grabs my phone and hands it to me. I open my phone and see that I got a message from an unknown number. I realize that he wasn't only threatening my baby but also Emilio, Ivan, and Logan. I open the message and look at the picture that they sent me.
C: Shouldn't have done that Maddison, now we have Ruben. I wonder what Emilio will think of you after we kill Ruben and make it look like you did it.
My body started to shake. I held onto my daughter, now a life was in the line. I looked up at Anthony.
"Tony we have to get to the police station right now."
A: "What do you mean?"
"I know who the killer clowns are and they have Ruben."
A: "What are you talking about?"
"Just take me to the police station!"
He nods and then drives us to the police station. I go in fine the receptionist and walk up to her.
R: "Maddison Long time no see who is this little one."
"This is my daughter but I need to file a report."
R: "Of course come along you three."
We go in and file the report the police start to track both phone numbers.
PO: "We found were they are, but Maddison it leads back to your house."
A: "Maddie that's where everyone was going to go."
"What! No, please tell me that they aren't there."
PO: "Maddie if that's where everyone, they're expecting you to go to your house alone."
"I don't know, I hope that's not where everyone is."
We all leave. We to my house and Tony and I go inside first without the cops. I do my best to act in the situation but I am terrified. He steps out into view his brother grabbing Anthony and sitting him with the rest of the group.
C: "I told you what you had to do Maddison."
CB: "But you had to go and ruin our little game."
"Where is he?"
C: "Ruben, he is right over there. Butets make a deal, you come with us and we will let everyone go including Jake. You don't come with us, Emilio dies."
"You wouldn't do it."
C: "Wanna bet, or are you gonna play your cards right?"
"You have what you want, why don't you just do it now?"
C: "Come along, Maddison." He brings me to my family all tied up in chairs. I hold on to my daughter not wanting to let her go. Callum's brother is in the process of tying up Anthony. "Sit down and don't move. It was a big mistake taking your baby out of the hospital wasn't it?"
I sit down. "Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't."
C: "Don't give me sass, bring Ruben in."

Maddison PaulWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu