11: Questions

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My eyes flutter open a little blurry at first but then I see Logan and Jake sleeping peacefully in a chair. My dad out in the Hall talking to the doctor. I look around needles in my arm. I look around more hoping to find Emilio but knowing I won't. I needed to be held right now. No one had realized that I had woken up. It's a scary thing being unconscious, but totally aware of what's going on. I remember hear my dog whining and scratching on the door, Lydia finding me. And then Logan and Jake's tears falling down their faces. I thought I was gonna die, thought that I had died and was watching my body be taken away.
Our father and the doctor walk back into the room. My dad looks at me, happy to see that I am awake. His smile is enough to make me feel a little better. The doctor walks over and puts his hand on my forehead.
"How are you feeling Mrs.Martinez?"
"Okay, I mean my arm hurts a little but I feel fine other than that."
"Okay, Mr. Paul we are gonna take your daughter to do some tests. We will try to be as quiet and quick as possible in order not to wake your sons."
Greg: "Thank you, so much for keeping her alive."
"That's my job! She will be back in about thirty minutes or so." The doctors takes me away and do a whole bunch of tests on me. When I get back in the room Logan and Jake are still asleep. "Okay we are gonna give you a break and then I would like to ask you a few questions. Is that alright Mrs.Martinez?"
"Yeah perfectly fine."
My dad comes over and hugs me tightly. I stare at Logan and pull my dad closer. "I thought I lost you Maddie. You had me so worried!"
"I am not going anywhere dad! Do they know what happened?"
Greg: "No, they haven't been able to figure out the cause."
"Oh okay. How long was I out?"
"A week, Logan had been a mess, it was so hard to convince him to go home and vlog during the day."
"Hard to convince him to vlog?"
"Yeah surprising right?"
"He has been coming here and staying with you all night. He hasn't taken this well. And Jake has taken it better but not by much."
He let's go of me and I let go of him not wanting to, I wanted to stare at Logan for a little while longer. Logan and Jake wake up. Immediately looking at me then slowly get up out of their chairs.
"Logan! Jake!"
Logan: "Oh Maddie you had me worried sick!"
Jake: "Thank god your alive!"
They come over and hug me. I hold on to them like my life depends on it. Then the doctor comes back in.
"Alright I am sorry but I am going to have to ask you guys to leave I have a few questions for Maddison."
Logan looks at me not wanting to leave I didn't want him to leave either but I knew he had to. I nod my head and then they exit.
"Maddison have you been feeling any pain or nausea before you fainted?"
"No I felt perfectly fine until I throw up blood."
"Have you been having cramps?"
"Yeah but I just thought that it was my period coming."
"When was the last time you had your period?"
"A month ago. Why?" Then it hit me, I had started having sex a month ago. Was I pregnant? "You think I could be..."
"No sweetheart you are pregnant my dear. The baby is healthy which is the good news."
"Did you say something to my family?"
"No no dear I didn't say anything I didn't want them to worry, knowing that you are 18."
"What about the blood?"
"Yes I don't know what caused you to throw up blood, I know that your husband is in Spain that could be the problem but I don't think that's the cause."
"Can you not mention this to my father and brothers?"
"Of course, now did you try to commit suicide?"
"No I would never was there poison found in my blood or something?"
"No which is weird. We'll look into it more but for now you will have to stay with us for awhile."
"Is this all the questions?"
"Yes that's all I have right now, I will send your family in."
She walks out and I look down at my stomach, the baby was most likely Logan's. I had told Emilio recently but couldn't stop myself from continuing to sleep with Logan. I put my hand on my stomach and look away. I see my phone sitting on the counter. Logan walks in and takes my hand from my stomach.
"Hey Maddie, you alright?"
"Yeah where's dad and Jake?"
"They went out to get some food for me and them."
"Oh okay." I look down and then into Logan's eyes. He moves hair out of my face.
"What's wrong do you need me to fix a problem that your having?" A small smirk forms on his face, which resorts in me kissing his soft lips.
"No, but Logan I am..." I look away and he grabs my face making me look into his eyes again. "I am pregnant."
"What? How could this have happened?"
"You know how Loges. And we both know it's most likely yours."
"Mads I am so sorry. I can't believe that this has happened. What are we gonna do?"
"We have to come clean. I will tell Emilio first and then we can tell dad and Jake together."
"Isn't that going to ruin your marriage Mads?"
"I don't know but if it does it'll mean that we can be together right?"
"If that's what you want, I am up for it." He kisses my forehead and keeps holding my hand.
"Can you hand me my phone please?"
"Yes I can you calling Emilio?"
"Yeah I better call him and tell him that I am fine."
"Mmm you sure I can't help you with anything?"
"Not in this hospital Logan."
I picked up my phone and called Emilio, heartbroken when I heard a girl answer his phone.

Maddison PaulWhere stories live. Discover now