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  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The Letter I refer to is the picture above.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  I wasn't going to voice my opinion but I feel with how my story goes, continues and begins I feel like I need to. Part 4 of Shane's Jake Paul  series reveals a lot, a big topic that I was interested was the Martinez twins drama. According to Nick it was a huge shock when the twins released the video saying that the twins were being bullied and that a lot of thing were planned. It makes since and I honestly believe that, to be the truth. Although I don't believe that everything was a lie. The twins of course have good intentions and so does Jake. On November 17th, 2017 on the Team Ten Official account,  a letter in regards to Emilio and Ivan's video was posted. In that letter a manger that Jake had worked with in the past was mentioned. A manger who is now the twins' manger. She spoke Spanish while Jake and the rest of Team Ten couldn't.

   So put yourself in the place of the twins. You moved into a country where your language isn't spoken very often, in a house full of people you don't know and can't understand everything you are saying and you can't understand them either. A couple of years go by and you've gone through multiple pranks. You still haven't learned this country's language and now you're being introduced to this person you are going to have to trust because this person is to help you with your career but this person doesn't get along with your family. Now you have someone who speaks your language but may not be totally reliable but you don't know that. You start to work with this person and as time goes by you start to gain trust, then suddenly this person decides to take their chance and get revenge against your family, using you. They start to fill these small lies into your head tweaking things here and there to make you believe them. And you do. Anger starts to build up and then you are decide that you can't stay with these people anymore. So you make a video and post it, hurting the people who actually care about you and your well being.

  The twins were in a house full of people who could speak one language and one that they couldn't. Then a person came along and used the ability of being able to speak Spanish and used that to get revenge on Jake. She was his ex manger and Jake had a bad experience with her. He decided to give her a second chance and it backfired on him. I truly mean it when I say I am a PROUD MARTINETOR and a PROUD JAKE PAULER. So I will admit I was super  upset when I first saw the Martinez Twins video about Team Ten and Jake however I stuck around and waited to see Jake's side too. I love BOTH Jake and the Twins so I've stayed by BOTH of their sides. They both have helped me through a very emotional and tough time in my life and I want to  stay loyal to these three boys. However I am not so sure about the twins manager. Something seems off. I've watched the video twice, both times made me cry but the second time I tried to go in with an open mind and see if anything was off. And boy let  me tell you a lot seemed off to me. In fact a couple of the twins videos after that seemed extremely staged and fake. The twins didn't seem like the twins. I don't like to accuse people but I also don't like when my idols are hurt. It affects me too. If they're hurt so am I and I wouldn't ask for it any other way. I consider these people a part of my family. 

  So I just want all of you to know that my story isn't me showing hate towards Jake or anyone else. I know he is a good person. In fact I can tell that both Paul brothers are good people and so are the twins. They've been my number ones for the last two years now and I appreciate them all for helping me through an emotional time. I know the power of someone coming in and filling your head with lies, it has happened to me multiple times and now I have trust issues because of this. That power is strong and  it almost ruined my friendship with someone who is now my best friend. It is a sad thing to see and it hurts like hell but it is something that you can get through. The truth WILL eventually come out and  when IT does THEN we can push blame on whoever it is, but at this time I have chosen to not blame ANY of my boys and rather the person that came in when things started getting weird and off. 

  Final Note: THIS IS MY OPINION AND YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE IT, YOU HAVE YOUR OPINION AND I HAVE MINE. This is just me voicing that my story is NOT meant to harm or blame or hurt anyone. I do not hate any of the characters in my book or the REAL people themselves. My book is for entertainment purposes ONLY and to give me something to do when I have free time or need a few minutes to get away from the "real world". I love Jake, Emilio, Ivan, Logan, Anthony, Nick, new team ten, and old team ten. Also I would voice my opinion on the whole Alissa and Jake drama as well but I wasn't a fan at that time. I don't know enough about that, their relationship or her to say anything about that.

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