56: Make Up Sex

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Anthony's POV
J: "What the fuck Tony?"
"I didn't do anything, you should be blaming Chance!"
GF: "Anthony she has a point, if you actually loved her then you wouldn't have listened to your father."
C: "Me? What the fuck did I do?"
J: "Nothing, well something but we will talk about that later! The point is you can't just use my sister to have sex with and throw away!"
"You're only jealous because she won't, wouldn't sleep with you!"
J: "I wouldn't have slept with her even if she did! I am with Erika!"
"Yeah right you may not act like a fuck boy anymore but you'll always be one at heart."
I hadn't noticed that Maddie had come back in. Emilio and Ivan standing behind her.
M: "You're right Tony, but he wasn't ever as big of a fuck boy as you! All three of you were fuck boys. I made such a huge mistake dating you Tony."
M: "No shut up and listen to me. There will be no more fighting over me, I belong to Emilio and that's final. If I even hear one thing about any of you wanting me or to have sex with me, then you can consider me gone forever."
C: "Maddie we're best friends though, I thought that..."
M: "Best friends don't sleep with each other. You want to stay best friends then I suggest you keep your dicks to yourselves or to your girlfriends."
J: "Maddie..."
M: "I love you Jake, I will be back to the team ten house tomorrow."
Maddison's POV
I walked out with the twins. I was sick with all of the fighting, I had just gotten back problems were already being caused. But I was happy to be back with Emilio. We got to their house and Emilio picked me up and brought me to his bedroom.
E: "You have no idea how lonely it was to not have you in my bed."
"First off it was our bed."
E: "Okay yeah you are right."
He threw me into the bed and then went over to the door shutting and locking it. I sat up and looked at him. He took off his shirt.
E: "Do you..."
"Get over here."
He came over sitting on my lap. I put my hands on his face kissing him. He pulled away and smirked at me.
"Babygirl is eager."
"I haven't had sex for a year either Emilio and honestly being with you makes it better."
"Am I better than Logan?"
"Well am I?"
I look into his blue eyes and nod. He smiles while pulling my crop top over my head. He uncilps my bra and pulls it off throwing it on the floor, then looks down upset.
"What is it Emi?"
"I feel like I am moving to fast."
I smile at him. "You aren't, I am all yours and I don't care what you do to me tonight."
He looks into my eyes. He grips my waist and the gets off of me so I can pull pants off.
The Next Morning
I move his hair out of his face, our sweaty bodies still connected. We pressed our lips together again and layed there making out for a few minutes.
"I wish this didn't have to end."
"Me too, Maddie but then again we just spent the whole night having sex."
"So what's wrong with that?"
"Nothing but we can't do that for the rest of our lives."
"Okay your right, I don't want to leave you ever again though."
"It really took a toll on you too?"
"Of course it did."
I: "Emilio Maddie you guys need to get up."
E: "Fuck off Ivan."
I: "I will come in there! Jake wants Maddie back before breakfast against the team ten house."
"Well that's not going to happen."
I: "Maddie you have to be there."
"Ugh fine."
E: "I am sorry babygirl."
I: "You guys can't have sex again this morning you don't have time."
Emilio shook his head and leaned down kissing me before picking me up and taking me to the bathroom. He set me on the ground I almost fell over but grabbed onto his body before I did. He smiled and pulled me into the shower we washed off all the sweat from our bodies. After we got out and I grabbed my jeans putting them on along with my crop top. But I went into Emilio's closet and steal one of his jackets. He looks at me and smiles.
E: "I love you, Maddie."
I: "Are you ready Emilio?"
E: "What are you talking about?"
I: "Jake wants us there too."
"Jake wants you there too, has he gone crazy, he knows what happened last night with Chance and Anthony."
E: "He should he was there and yeah I am ready."
I: "Okay let's go, Maddie you have to drive."
"Okay, I need the keys then."
Ivan throws me the keys. We go and get in the car. An hour later we arrive at Jake's house.
J: "You're late."
"Only a couple of minutes Jakey."
J: "Dad is here." I roll my eyes. "So is Logan, Pam and Victoria."
"I would hope Victoria would be here if Logan is here."
J: "She is playing with Tatum and Oakley."
J: "Emilio, Ivan I am glad that you guys came."
"If Chance and Anthony start anything I am gonna blame you."
J: "Okay, but I don't think they will."
P: "Maddie? It's been too long!"
"Hi Pam."
P: "I like what you did with your hair."
J: "Breakfast will be ready soon and I want everyone on their best behavior."
"Okay dad, gesh Jake. What's so important is Erika pregnant?"
J: "No but assuming that Emilio did as I asked I am assuming that your going to be pregnant."
J: "Just saying."
I pulled myself closer to Emilio and looked up at him. He smiled and leaned down kissing me.

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