25: Logan

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  "I can't believe you!"
  "Babe don't be mad at me."
  "No, I am going to be mad! Logan didn't do anything to you, you don't get to just do this to him!"
  "Babe come on."
  "No my brother needs me and is going through some horrible shit and you decide to tweet that!"
  "He took you away from me!"
  "No you pushed me away! Cheating on me doesn't exactly say I love you and only you!"
  "Maddie please."
  I turned around my stuff all packed up for me to go to Logan's house. I slapped Emilio. He put his hand to his face and looked at me.
  "Don't Maddie please, me, I gave you a second chance Emi! You broke my heart, he is your family now and families don't bad talk each other!"
  "Are you leaving me?"
  "That depends if you get your shit back together right now I need to be with Logan. Alex!"
  A: "Yeah?"
  "You're staying with the twins."
  A: "But Mad..."
  "No you're staying with the twins! My dad is flying out here because all of us need to be here for Logan right now."
  A: "But Maddie you can't leave us."
  "I can and I am."
  E: "Maddie love, I am so sorry."
  "Save it you aren't sorry for shit, I thought you were going to change but you still think that Logan and I are just like Jake."
  E: "No I don't!"
  "Yes you do, you didn't just say something about Logan, you said Pauls. That includes me Emilio and you have no idea how much that is hurting me."
  E: "Maddie honey, I didn't mean..."
  "No more excuses, if you love me then you would have kept your trap shut and not mention the ordeal."
  E: "I do love you Maddison."
  "Not enough to give me and my family some respect. Think about it Emi, I will be back when Logan starts to vlog again. Make your decision Emilio."
  I turn around leaving the house. I get to Logan's house finding him on his couch. I go to him and pull him into my arms.
  "Don't comfort me Maddie, I did something wrong and I deserve what I am getting."
  "Logan I don't care, do you really think I am going to be mad about that!   Yes you shouldn't have posted the video but..."
  "Maddie you don't get it!"
  "No Logan you don't get it! Don't push me away too, you're all I have left, I don't want to be alone again."
  "It's so scary being alone, it's the time you really start to think, for me it's the time I think about killing myself. I hate it, I don't want to die Logan. I don't like my death thoughts, they're dark Logan. So please Loges let me help you through this, cause I need you."
  "Come here Maddison." I walk to his arms and he pulls me closer and into his chest. He holds me rocking me back and forth. "I am not going to go anywhere Mads." He picks me up and carries up to his bedroom. He sets me on the bed and then climbs in with me. I cuddle into his chest.
  "I should be comforting you."
  "You are by being here."
  "Am I though?"
  "Yes you are."
  He grabbed my waist. "Logan are you sure you want to do this right now."
  "It'll calm me down and make me forget for a little bit."
  "Mmm okay."
  He started to pull our clothes off, taking time to appreciate my body. We got to our underwear before Jake came into the room.
   J: "Hmm didn't think I would find this coming here today."
  J: "What? Can you even be having sex while you're pregnant Maddison?"
  "Yes I can."
  L: "What are you doing here Jake?"
  J: "I was just coming to make sure you we're okay, but looks like Maddie got that covered."
  L: "Right, well thanks Jake."
  Pam and Dad show up behind Jake.
  G: "Sounds like Maddie does have Logan covered."
  P: "Greg!"
  J: "Wait where is your husband?"
  "I don't want to talk about that right now."
  J: "Maddie?"
  "I left him, okay? I told him that he has to make a decision and that he had until Logan started to vlog again."
  G: "Decision?"
  "Emilio disrespected us again."
  P: "Oh the tweet."
  G: "What tweet?"
  Logan pulls me onto his lap. Pam pulling her phone out and showing it to Jake and Dad. Jake looks up at me and then comes over sitting down next to us.
  J: "Maddie he probably thought that you wouldn't be as offended because your not a Paul anymore."
  "I'll always be a Paul though and what about my baby."
  L: "Our baby."
  G: "Honey don't you think you're overreacting, he loves you."
  "No I am not overreacting! He should be supportive of you guys! I can understand the whole hate against Jake but not the hate with you guys!"
  J: "Maddie calm down." Logan starts to rub my back. Jake's phone starts to ring. He looks at it and then gets up. "I will be right back."
  He walks out of the room and Pam and Greg follow.
  L: "Mads?"
  "Yeah I am fine Loges, you don't need to ask."
  L: "But I need to make sure. Why don't we get dressed and we can do this later, okay?" I nod and then get up getting dressed. Once we are both dressed again I crawl back onto Logan's lap. "I love you, Mads."
  "I love you, Loges."
  He picks me up and carries me downstairs where Jake is talking to Anthony. Anthony and I hadn't talked since we had our last kiss.
A: "Hey Maddie."
  A: "How are you Logan?"
  L: "I am fine."
  G: "Maddie come here sweetheart."
  "Um okay."
  I walk over to my dad. G: "Give me your phone please."
"Why you have your own phone."
  G: "Because I am taking  your phone away until this whole thing clears up."
  "Oh okay, um my phone is on the couch."
  I walk back into the living room with our dad and grab my phone off the couch handing it to him. I walk back into Logan's arms.

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