66: First Kiss

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I sat down on her bed and Logan came in and sat down behind me placing his hand on my waist. Victoria got all cuddled up in her bed.
"Okay I will tell you story tonight, which one do you want to hear?"
V: "Umm the one with you and Emilio."
"You sure?"
V: "Yeah I got to see you and daddy kiss."
"Okay then."
Emilio and I were alone at the team ten house together. I was sitting on the kitchen counter on my phone while waiting for Jake to get back. I didn't know that Emilio was there. I hopped down and went into the cupboard to find a glass so I could get a glass of water. I found a glass and filled it with water then hopped back onto the counter. Emilio came downstairs. He stopped and smiled when he saw me.
"Buenos tardes mi amor."
"Emilio, I didn't know that you were here."
"Come here, the rest of team ten won't be here until later tonight."
"What are you implying Emilio?"
"Well we could..."
"Emilio, I an a virgin and I don't plan on loosing my virginity until after I turn eighteen."
"Well then we could kiss."
I looked at him. "Emilio aren't there cameras in this house?"
"Not in Chance and Anthony's room. What have you never kissed before?"
"Well no, my brothers are very protective."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. I sat down on Tony's bed. Emilio sat down next to me. My heart started to beat fast.
"We don't have to if you don't want to."
"Emilio just kiss me." He put his hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes. I looked into his. "Emilio you have such beautiful eyes."
"You do too, Maddison. Your so pretty." I move my arms so that they were around his neck. He looked down at my lips. I leaned in until our lips touched. He moved his hand onto my back and pulled me on top of him. I didn't want the moment to end but it did. We looked into each other's eyes. "You're a good kisser Maddie."
"You know I wouldn't mind doing it again."
End of Flashback
Victoria had fallen asleep. I turned and looked at Logan. He moved his hand a little bit higher.
L: "Emilio wasn't lying you are a good kisser."
"I know I am Logan but you better get going home, I can't have sex with you."
L: "I know, I know you and Emilio are trying to have your own baby."
"Yeah, we are."
L: "Let's go back downstairs."
We got up and went downstairs. I went over and put myself in Emilio's arms. Chance and Anthony still here.
A: "Look I am sorry but Logan's I thought you were with Olga."
L: "Anthony!"
"No it's fine, but why didn't you tell me Logan?"
L: "Because I don't really want to be with her. Look all of us were trying to move on. You just disappeared and we didn't think we would see you again."
"Yeah and I can get that but why didn't you mention Olga to me?"
L: "I didn't want you to be upset."
"How long Logan?"
L: "Um a couple of months."
A: "A year."
L: "What I wasn't using her, I didn't think that you were going to come back."
I put my hands to my face. Why couldn't these boys just tell me when they were in a relationship.
C: " We should get going home."
A: "Hold on Chance why do you want to go home so bad?"
C: "Because I do I am tired and..."
A: "You didn't have to come."
"Anthony don't be rude."
A: "Well I just want some time with my daughter."
"What are you talking about? I thought you wanted to take her."
A: "Well with Jake's outburst, I thought you weren't going to let me."
"Then Jake would be getting his way. Tony you deserve what you want."
A: "So we are still going to..."
L: "Anthony your going to have to leave her tonight I don't have..."
A: "I wasn't planning on taking her tonight. I have to get ready to have a baby at the house."
E: "Anthony you can stay the night."
A: "Aren't you two going to..."
E: "Uh I don't think that's going to happen tonight."
"Yeah no."
A: "Okay."
C: "Jake isn't going to like that."
"Fuck Jake. He can't do shit anymore."
L: "Mads."
"It's the truth."
L: "Okay then Chance let's go."
C: "Bye."
Logan and Chance left. I went upstairs and grabbed some blankets for Anthony while Emilio set up the playpen in the living room. I came back downstairs and handed the blankets to Anthony.
A: "Thanks"
"Your welcome and we would have you stay in the guestroom but we don't have the bed for in there yet."
A: "No Maddie this is perfectly fine."
"Okay, I am going to go up to bed."
E: "Good night love."
"Goodnight Emilio."
I walked up and got into the bed I shared with Emilio. He soon came in and layed down with me. We looked each other in the eyes.
"Emilio your amazing you know."
E: "You know you could have kissed Anthony too."
"Emilio I can't keep playing with people's emotions."
E: "You're not, you had their kids. They're going to want no one else but you. It's going to be especially hard for Anthony."
"What are you saying Emilio?"
E: "I don't want you to hurt them."
"I don't want to hurt them either, but what about you."
E: "I am happy if you're happy, I am not saying that you need to have sex with them but at least show them a little love."
"I will."
E: "Is it okay if I kick you out of our room for the night then? Anthony is gonna need help down there."
I got up and walked over to our dresser putting on a shirt and shorts. I kissed Emilio and then walked downstairs. I found Anthony with Hannah in his arms rocking her to sleep. I smiled and walked over sitting next to him.

Maddison PaulWhere stories live. Discover now