97: Plan

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  After The Doctors Appointment
  Emilio and Chance had traded spots with each other. I was looking out the window when my phone rang. I looked down at the screen and then declined the call and looked back out the window. Emilio put his hand on my thigh I placed my hand over his and then kissed him. He pulled me into a hug and started whispering into my ear. I pulled away and smiled at him. He immediately pulled me back into a hug. My phone rang again.
  C: "Who keeps calling you?"
  "Uh no one. It's no one important."
  The truth was I had been getting g the calls a lot recently. I was terrified, the first time I heard the voice a month ago. He was supposed to be dead but I kept getting the calls from the same number and the same voice would pick up. It was like my nightmare was following me around. Him telling me sweet nothings that I didn't want to hear from him but it wouldn't stop soon enough I would go crazy and not be able to be with my family that I loved.
  E: "Baby?"
  E: "Who is calling you?"
  "I don't know."
  Emilio pulled the phone from my hands and looked at it. I looked down and then back out the window. Emilio lightly rubbing my back and trying to comfort me. My phone rang again and Emilio answered it handing it to me. I a book my head and took it from him quickly hanging up and throwing my phone in the back. We were at a stop light and everyone turned and looked at me.
  E: "It was Jake."
  "I don't wanna talk to him."
  C: "Maddie?"
  "I just wanna go home. I don't wanna go back to Jake's anymore. I don't wanna see his face anymore."
  I: "Maddie what's going on?"
  "I don't wanna hear his voice or see him with Erika. I don't want to have to look at Erika and feel bad for her anymore."
  I: "Maddie?"
  "I can't act like everything is alright between us anymore. I hate him. I hate him more then when he hurt me. But then again at the same time I love him. I hate the feeling of not knowing what to do. I feel so hopeless."
  E: "Baby, you don't have to. You have every right not to have to go over there. I don't want you feeling like you're hopeless, cause we are here for you. But can you please tell me what's going on?"
  "I lied to you. I told you that he raped me when he really didn't. It was like he got into my head and somehow convinced me to sleep with him. The worst part was I enjoyed it."
  Emilio cupped my face and put his lips against mine, he started to talking kissing me before each word that would come out of his mouth. "I love you. And I wish you would have told me that sooner. You don't ever have to go back there."
  "But Emilio what about Hannah and Anthony."
  C: "Well I gotta get a house, why don't you get some more members for team ten and then talk to Anthony about him moving out and the other members moving in."
  "You'd have to deal with Hannah."
  C: "But it'd be worth it."
  E: "Yeah and that's putting her in a situation where she still has to see Jake."
  "Well we could say I have to go on bed rest. I would be able to work from home and we could just have Logan give Jake the paper work. Actually that wouldn't work but I haven't completed my goal. I wanna wait until after the tour."
  E: "Isn't that next year though?"
  "Nope, it's after our babies are born."
  E: "Right you wanted to go and perform with them, so you made it so you could recover from having our kids and then go on tour with them."
  "Not with them just the first show in California."
  E: "We could go on our own tour."
  "Oh really?"
  E: "Yeah."
  "You know how much time and effort that it takes to go on tour, right?"
  E: "Hey what are you saying?"
  "It's also takes money and I am happy to spend Jake's money I am not spending our money on that."
  E: "Okay but Maddie if you don't want to have to face Jake anymore then what are you going to do?"
  "You know I think that just finding new team ten members and moving Anthony out of that house is our best bet. Besides Anthony wouldn't be able to stay in that house much longer maybe a couple of years but Jake's craziness wouldn't be good for Hannah."
  I: "Well Emilio, we had to deal with Jake for a couple of months before we left."
  E: "Yeah and we have to deal with him again!"
  I: "That's your fault for falling in love with his sister."
  "Woah don't start hating on me!"
  E: "Nobody is hating on you."
  C: "Her haters are and the fans that wanna be with you are as well."
  I: "Chance you aren't helping, are we going to Jake's or not?"
  "Go to Jake's."
  C: "Hey it's true."
  "Yeah it is but they can just fuck off or..."
  E: "Okay shut up Maddie."
  "Fuck Ivan and get over it."
  E: "How did I know that you were going to say that?"
  I: "First off I am not having sex with any of our fans."
  "You haven't had sex in years."
  E: "Hold on how do you know that?"
  C: "Oh busted."
  "Shut up, I don't, but your brother doesn't hang out with girls and either your with him or we are both with him."
  I: "Plus I might have told her."
  E: "What about this girlfriend that you supposedly have, Ivan?"
  I: "Well uh she doesn't want to do that until she is married. Which is understandable at least she won't end up having four kids is it?"
  "Hey technically we were married when I got pregnant with Victoria so fuck off Ivan."
  I: "Got pregnant with the wrong guy though didn't you?"
  E: "Hey I cheated first."
  I: "She got pregnant first."
  C: "Man you guys are crazy."
  "Yeah and you're worse so..."
  C: "I meant the twins Maddie."
  I: "Of course you did because you want to sleep with her again."
  E: "Ivan!"
  C: "Hey he could be right."
  I: "Maddie would probably do it too."
  "Mmm and who is to say that I wouldn't sleep with you Ivan?"
  I sat up and looked over at Ivan crotch. He was definitely hard. I giggled and then kissed my husband. He unbuckled my seatbelt and pulled me onto his lap. Putting both me and his kids in danger but he didn't seem to care. He gripped onto my waist and made me start grinding on him.
  C: "What the fuck are you two doing?"
  "That's what I was going to ask. Emi you do know if we get in a car accident both me and your kids are either gonna die or end up in the hospital."
  E: "No more hospital time for you and I trust Ivan, especially with our lives."

Maddison PaulWhere stories live. Discover now