51: Moving Out

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After watching a couple of movies with the boys and Alex. I was tired of sitting, I got up and walked out to the backyard. I sat down in and put my feet in the pool. Logan, Chance and Anthony came and sat down with me.
C: "This is weird."
A: "What do you mean?"
C: "It's weird without Jake with us."
"I'd prefer not to talk about Jake and you know that Chance."
C: "Sorry Maddie."
L: "Mads it's not right."
"Loges I know it isn't. It's just I love him."
L: "Have you ever considered the fact that maybe he doesn't love you anymore?"
"Many times, I just don't want to leave him."
A: "It would be the best decision, Maddison. I mean if his brother is loving on your child more than he is then..."
C: "Anthony!"
"It's fine it's the truth, I don't know if he is doing this as payback or not but I can't help the fact that I got pregnant."
L: "Mads don't blame yourself, he cheated first, you should have left him when you found out."
I looked down tears falling from my face. Ivan came out without Victoria.
I: "I got her to sleep, Maddie."
"Thank you Ivan."
He came over and hugged me. I: "Don't cry Maddie." I turned around and hugged him back. "Maddie maybe you should just go live with Logan. Emilio isn't treating you right. Emilio and Alex we're planning on going out tomorrow, I will help you pack your and Victoria's things."
"I don't know Ivan."
I: "It's for the best, I can't stand watching you be hurt by my brother."
"You shouldn't be encouraging me Ivan but okay."
I: "Thank you."
"For what?"
I: "Understanding what's best for you, you can't just keep doing what's best for Emilio."
A: "So your moving?"
"I guess so."
C: "Anthony we should go, if we don't show tonight team ten will start to worry."
A: "Okay, bye Maddie. We won't say anything to Jake."
"Bye and thank you."
I: "Now go get some rest please Maddie."
Ivan's POV
Logan and I watched as she got up and went to bed. I felt so bad for her, I knew she really loved Emilio but I just couldn't see the love back to her. I sat down next to Logan.
L: "Thanks."
"No problem, she matters to me and I can see that she is hurting it's best for everyone, especially Victoria."
L: "Yeah, I am gonna go but thanks again Ivan, you're welcome to come to my house anytime to visit them."
"Thanks bro."
L: "Yep."
He walked away. Leaving me to think outside. My brother had talked about Maddie so much the first year of dating and then it had died down. I knew he would be hurt when he realized that she wasn't going to come back, but it was best for her and her baby. Emilio would eventually get over it when Alex had there child and Ruben and Alex would be happy that she's gone. I knew I wasn't going to get any sleep that night. I would watch over Maddie and Victoria.
Maddison's POV
The next morning I woke up to an empty bed, I got up and walked over to check on Victoria. She was sound asleep, I looked down and smiled. Then went down to get breakfast before she woke up needing to eat herself. I walked into the kitchen to find Emilio and Alex making out. I bit my lip and then grabbed a apple off the counter and left without them noticing. I got back up to my room and found Ivan sitting in there looking at Victoria.
I: "Hey Maddie."
"You alright?"
I: "Yeah I am just going to miss you guys."
"I can stay Ivan."
I: "No you have to go."
Emilio walked into the room. I sat down on the bed and grabbed my phone. He went into our closet and then came back out in a different outfit. He came over and sat down next to me.
E: "Good morning love."
"Good morning Emi."
E: "I am going out with Alex for the day, but tonight will be you and me."
"Mhmm okay have fun."
E: "Maddie."
I kissed his cheek and then he got up and left the room. Tears came out of my eyes again, I couldn't bear the thought of leaving him but everyone was right he wasn't good to me and it would be better for me to leave. Ivan came over and hugged me.
I: "I will be back Maddie, when Emilio is gone then we can start."
I looked at him and I couldn't help myself. I kissed him. He looked at me surprised by the action and then got leaving the room. Emilio walked back in and I hid the fact that I was just crying. I got up and walked over to Victoria. Emilio came over and wrapped his arms around me kissing my cheek.
E: "Have a good day okay babygirl?"
He let go and walked off. I picked Victoria up and let her start to eat. I sat down on the bed and waited. Ivan came in with Logan. I smiled.
L: "Keep doing what you are doing."
"Don't you need help?"
I: "I am pretty sure I know what is yours and what is his."
A few hours later I am at Logan's house, cuddling with him on his bed. My face tear stained. Logan was doing his best to calm me down. But leaving Emilio was one of the hardest things for me to do.
L: "Mads I have to go stream or something, is that okay?"
"Yeah, go do what you got to do."
My phone rang and I knew it was Emilio but I decided not to answer. Logan's fight was coming up so I knew I would be alone at the house for awhile. A few hours later I was asleep.

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