35: Maddison

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Logan's POV
I got to the hospital as quick as I could but there wasn't a plane until the next day. Jake and my dad were trying to calm me down at the moment but when I saw Emilio and my mom in tears I fell to my knees. The doctor walked over to me.
D: "Are you Logan Paul?"
J: "Yes he is."
D: "Well I am happy to inform you that the baby is fine."
"What about Maddie?"
D: "Unfortunately, Maddison has passed, I tried my best to keep her alive but she stopped breathing in the middle of giving birth."
Jake looked at me and then fell to his knees as well he hugged me tightly. I looked up for our dad who had had turned really pale.
"Maddison can't be dead, she wouldn't give up that easily!"
D: "I am sorry Mr.Paul but she's gone you can go in and see her before they take her away."
"What about her husband?"
E: "I have already seen her, I can't stand to be in there though."
I slowly got up to my feet and the doctor took me into the room. Maddison was sitting there perfectly fine, she smiled at me and then Emilio followed.
M: "Sorry Loges but I needed payback for Jake, come here."
"Don't do that to me ever again!"
M: "It's not my fault you arrived with Jake."
"Jake is in tears I h open your happy, and dad, I can't imagine how dad feels right now."
M: "Don't yell at me!"
D: "I am gonna ask you to leave, Maddison is under enough stress as it is."
M: "No it's fine. But Logan you should go."
"I can't believe you right now what has gotten into you!"
E: "Logan stop."
Maddison's POV
I looked down, I was eager to get out of the bed but the doctor had told me to wait for a day. My head was killing me.
D: "Mr.Paul..."
E: "Maddison?"
"Can you?"
E: "Of course love."
D: "I will go get you some medicine. Just keep breathing sweetheart."
"I am doing my best."
L: "What are you talking about?"
D: "I will be back and I will send your father and brother in."
The doctor leaves. Soon Jake and my dad come in. Jake runs over and hugs me tightly. I put my arms around him.
J: "Your a jerk."
"I know, I love you and dad I hope you know I didn't mean to scare you."
G: "I know Maddison, but why are you in Ohio?"
"Well um..."
P: "Oh don't ask her questions, come on let's leave so she can get some rest and come home."

Maddison PaulWhere stories live. Discover now