2: Marry Me?

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He slowly moved down to my neck like he had done so many times before but this time he definitely left a hickey. I started to get eager I pulled at his pants.
"Woah Maddie slow down, let me pleasure you first."
"Or you could just put yourself in me Emilio, I don't want to wait anymore. It's been to long of a wait."
"Maddie do you have the stuff for that even?"
"Yeah I do, I knew that you were going to surprise me one of these days so I went and bought a box, it's in my nightstand."
He smirked and then got up and grabbed a condom out of the box. He pulled his pants down and slid the condom onto himself. I took the last pieces of my clothes off and he hovered over me.
"You sure Maddie?"
"Emilio please."
He slowly puts himself in me. I bit my lip as a little bit of pain runs through me. Once he is fully in me he waits for me to tell him that he can move. I kiss him telling him that he can. As the kiss gets deeper he goes faster. We both are moaning messes but, we silenced the moans by kissing each other. We both cum at the same time, he collapses on top of me then pulls out and throws the condom away.
"Wow Maddie, that was amazing. I love you baby girl."
"I love you too Emilio."
We both get up and put on some underwear then crawl back into bed cuddling up next to each other. I smile and pull him closer.
"Maddie I have to tell you something."
"Yeah what is it?"
"Ivan and I have decided to leave team ten."
"Okay, I get that Jake doesn't treat the members of the household very well, I mean I was pissed when I saw he handcuffed you to that bed and then left you there all day."
"Yeah but we are also going to tell everybody what he did I feel that people should know."
"Okay I am here for you and I will be here for you every step of the way."
"Even if that means that you don't talk to your brothers."
"Emi, your the important one in my life. I love you and if you don't want to have to go through that torture to see me anymore then that's okay because now we have access to each other."
"Maddie, I know this isn't the best place or really time but will you marry me?"
"Yes Emilio! I love you so much. Of course I will marry you!"
"Good cause I want to wake up knowing that your mine, forever."
"Aww Emilio." I kiss him and then cuddle up deeper into his chest.
"It would be a private event."
"I would only want it to be us."
"Good cause I don't want Ivan know about this either."
"Emilio do you want to get tattoos tomorrow?"
"Sure baby girl, what are you thinking?"
"Our initials on each other like on our wrists."
"Sure but only if you want to get a puppy too."
"Oh I would love nothing more Emilio. Let's do it, we will get a puppy and tattoos."
"Will I get to put your initials as MM, Maddie?"
"Of course, cause I won't be a Paul for much longer."
"Let's go to Vegas Maddie."
"Emilio my dad's going to be here, in two days."
"So we can go to Vegas and get married after we get a puppy and tattoos tomorrow."
"Okay Emilio."
We stay quiet and then slowly fall asleep together. The next morning I wake up in his arms. He wakes up a little bit after me then kisses my forehead. My phone rings I look at him and then turn over to grab my phone. It's Logan calling me.
"Hey Logan."
"Hey sis, so I was wondering if I could come over to your apartment and see where you are living today?"
"Today, oh I will be out all day and then I have to leave for Vegas tonight because I have a photoshoot there tomorrow. But I will be back before dad is here to visit us."
"Okay well then maybe you could drop off a key and the address, so I can stop by?"
"Well I don't know because I am going to have my dog here and since the dog won't know who you are, I just think it's best if you wait until I can show you, dad and Jake at the sametime."
"If you have a dog then who is going to be watching the dog while your gone and when did you get a dog?"
"A month ago, and I will only be gone for one day so I asked my neighbors if they could watch the dog."
"Okay fine whatever but you better bring your dog next time you come over."
"Okay will do. Bye Logan!"
I hung up on him. Then turn back to Emilio cuddling back into his chest. Soon we get up and get ready for the day. I call the owner of the building and talk to her about me getting a puppy. She politely agrees and tells me that I will have to pay a little extra but that it would be fine and that she looks forward to meeting my dog. Emilio and I leave the house and go to the tattoo parlor first getting our matching tattoos, then we go to the shelter.
"What about this one babe."
"Oh Emilio, she's perfect!"
"She is adorable and exactly your favorite type of dog."
We found a pomsky (a mix between a pomeranian and a husky) with the prettiest blue eyes I had ever seen, well except Emilio's his were absolutely amazing. We got to take her home that day and found out that she was really well trained. We went to the pet store and bought her a whole bunch of things.
"What do you want to name her, Emi?"
"Why don't you decide baby girl?"
"Okay how about Azul."
"Blue? Really? I love it, it fits her."
"I was thinking I know we just got her but since we are going to be going to Vegas why don't we drop her off at Logan's house?"
"Okay yeah I will get an Uber to your apartment and you can go drop her off at Logan's house then we can head to Vegas."
"Okay I love you Emilio." We kiss and then go our separate ways. I drive to Logan's house arriving finding Chloe's car in Logan's parking lot.

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